Tree of Savior Forum

The Current Monk feels Undewhelming

Would ask the Devs here, to pelase Implement at least one of the Following Changes to the Monk Class:

  • Incresed Range on Double Punch, Handknife skills, so Monks can hit multiple enemies a bit easier (as they invest in incresed AoE atack ratio)
  • 1X Overheatable Handknife, Palm Strike (so Monks can become damage dealers, compared to the Hoplites for example)
  • Monks Skills Scales with both Main-Hand and Secondary-Weapon Damage, so do the Bleed Dot Benefits from both weapons damage. It is Proportional: 40% of the Damage dealt with Palm Strike / Tick (if you crit with Palm strike, the Bleeding damage will allso be higher)
  • Bugfix1: Bleeding effect now applied to every enemies hit with Palm strike
  • Monks’ skills’ procs additional elemental, or ‘on hit’ effects, such: Additional Eath elemental damage from the Cafrisun set, or the Sacraments’ Additional atack bonus.
  • Bugfix2: Sacrament buff Now Properly Stays on us whenewer we change areas, or Channels, till its timer runs out.
  • Showing the Defence reduction bonuses with Numbers for the Deprotected zone, as we Use the Attribute: Deprotected zone: Enhance
  • Increased Range (area) for Deprotected Zone.
  • Healing skill have tilesets for its circles, we can select predefined shapes, that we can use on the field, just by pressing Heals’ Hotkey.

If you would implement all of theese Changes mentioned above, the Monk would turn into a really satisfing character to play, because now, it is underwhelming.

Edit: Tested the effects of Sacrament again with skills, you right, it does not Proc the additional +40 Holy damage on skills, only the +40 Physical damage bonus on the Monks Skills, that is calculated with the actual physical damage of the skill itself + the STR bonus and it can crit along with thoose (till we change zone, or channel)
The Bug is still in the game, we lose the bonus damage of Sacrament as we change Zones or Channels, while the timer is still ticking in the corner.

It seems based off your information, you’re trying to judge Monk based off circle 1. Which is not only utterly pointless, but it’s also a fast ticket to missing the point.

Wait until you have rank 10 Energy Blast a skill which is easily one of the heaviest hitting attacks in the game. Wait until you have rank 10 One Inch Punch, a skill so powerful it’s literally a death sentence in PvP.

Wait until your double punch is rank 15 an you have spent money boosting its damage another 100%. Double Punch is supposed to be the replacement for standard attacks. Giving it huge AoE range would be broken.

It already hits 5 times that off my normal attack with +30% damage increase at rank 15. When I’m finished it will be closer to 7/8 times my normal attack. An it’s a move I can spam constantly.

Circle 1 Monk is underwhelming you don’t get the nice stuff. Circle 2 is decent but overall average as a DPS choice. Circle 3 is pretty ■■■■■■■ great.

Obviously Monk will never be the best DPS, it’s supposed to be an all rounder. If you could out DPS a wizard why would people even play it, since it lacks the heals & buffs of Monk.

I can say however I out DPS a lot of full DPS classes I group with now I have access to circle 3 Monk. An that’s with my ability to support as well as DPS. So in a lot of cases it’s the other classes like Swordsman that look underwhelming to me.


I’m not talking about Huge increase, but an increase like: x2, so the Monk can actually hit with Double Punch at least 3 Monsters, and he can hit at least 4 monsters with handknife in front of him, without Piling them one on another.
The Sustain is pretty much all the monk can offer compared to the other damage dealing classes.

I can hit 3+ monsters with double punch already. More so when you have a linker in your group pulling them together. Also wait until you’re level 220+ an all the monsters have tanky as hell.

Sustain damage is exactly the type of damage a group wants at that point. Pre-220 it’s basically a burst damage game with archers running KS extreme.

After 220 monsters have a ■■■■ ton more health an defence. An that’s where Monk shines.

Allso, did you red what i was Saying in the Topic? Or you Just totally ignored the points of the Fix, the Bugfixes, since you stopped reading the article after the first line?
I was talking about the Scaling, the bugfixes and the reach, i was talking about the Overheat of certain Skills, so Monk can stand a chance compared to the Hoplites for example, or the Dragoons.
Sustain, i ment: monk has skills for himself, and for the allies around him to sustain: to heal himself and them, if needed. the Bleed effect falls off hard, that’s why i recommend its’ scaling with the Actual Damage dealt with the Palm strike, if you crit, the Damage of the Bleed dot gets allso stronger.

What level are you, because the fact you think Monk doesn’t stand a chance against those classes almost confirms to me you’re circle 1 Monk.

The class is supposed to be weak with circle 1 man. It’s like any other DPS class if you only have one circle in it. It’s going to underwhelm. You’re comparing it to classes that have already picked up a ton of damage circles.

Yes, only 151 c1 monk, seeing his bugs, the bugs and glitchez about the Priest skills aswell and since the initial levels do NOT grant any further reach for the skills that the monk uses, i do recommend fix for them.
Every other Classes, every single one, benefits the effects of the Blessing, so the Effects of the Sacrament, as they use skills. Both Buffs Procs on every skills they use, it just don’t proc right now on the Monks’ skillset. Tell me please how is it normal?

As much as i like YuYu Hakusho, i’m sorry but what you’re saying is quet Redundant, i’m asking you to please point out the bugs about this class’ skillset, the bug when the timer is still ticking on the corner for the Sacrament, but you don’t have the beneficial effect of it on you, point out the lack of reach of the monk with his bread and butter skills, Handkife, Palm Strike, Double Punch realize allready, how underwhelming he is compared to any other damage dealing classes, than please accept, Monls would need to have buffs on Range of theyr skills (exept for Energy Blast)

bruh… sacrament does not proc on skills no matter what class they are. only on normal attacks. It is, therefore, normal

relax, you’ll have a better time at higher levels!! :slight_smile:

Was paying close attention to what’s happening on the field in parties, and Sacrament DO let skills damage enemies an additional time + it lets characters proc any other damaging effects on this additional hit (eg: Arde fire damage, Blessing Damage, aso.)

I’ll end our conversation with this. Wait until you have circle 3 Monk, an provided you have wasted many skill points in sub-par abilities like Hand Knife & Palm Strike.

Then watch how the Hoplite you think is strong is underwhelming to you. Because circle 3 Monk makes a joke out of most swordsman based classes in the later game.

You should have only invest 1 point into Hand Knife for utility nothing else. An a couple into Palm Strike. The rest should be saved for One Inch Punch & Energy Blast.

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Will test thoose soon enaugh, although, my recomendations are still standing.

Sigh… there’s nothing wrong with Sacrament it works just fine. You’re just miss understanding how it works.

It still adds damage to double punch an all other Monk skills it just doesn’t add an extra tick off Blessing damage at the end.

play other classes… extra line only procs on normal attacks. this also goes for carfisun and enchant fire bonuses. not gonna bother arguing… but that IS how it works. u are not being short changed dont worry.

How is that not effecting the usefulness of it? Why would we use Sacrament, if it only adds 40 flat physical damage to the skill we’re using? Where is the Holy damage portion of it? Where is the Offhand weapon, or Secondary Weapon usefulness if all the skills we’re using only scaling from the Main hand Weapon Damage?

Your recommendations are based on nothing but a lack of knowledge. Anyone reviewing Monk at circle 1 in wasting theirs & everyone else’s time.

As the additional Levels on the Skills would Change the skills RANGE of AoE, or the AoE atack ratio of them, i would stand corrected, but now, you’re wrong, so the Bleeding effect isn’t applied on every enemies hit with Palm Strike at this moment, so it would need to be fixed aswell.

if u wanna see unerwhelming, play sadhu Q_Q

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You really aren’t getting this are you… Increase of range of rank 15 double punch an you’d have a stupidly overpowered spam friendly skill.

You’re using it at rank 5, an thinking “it’s not doing much damage therefore increase range” NO! Test it at rank 15, see how much damage it does once you increase the damage attribute.

See how much you can spam it when you have a constant supply of stamina pills. Then tell me it needs more range. Not until, because until that point you have no idea how broken your suggestion would be.

You might be right, i’m just on to try to get the only character i’m using Fixed, to make the freaking Bugs corrected about, to have some increased solo playing capabilitites compared to the High AoE damage dealers like Hoplites, or Cataphracts, and later on the Dopplesoeldners.

Monk has one of the best AoE damage dealing skills in the game. It’s called Energy Blast. Until you have that skill don’t comment about Monks lack of AoE damage.