Tree of Savior Forum

The community is slowly dying

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The hype train didn’t die yet, it on standby, waiting for the day to Choo Choo again :open_mouth:

First of all: that is a histogram, not a line graph.

Second of all: all of those players that played for all 30 days of OBT clearly enjoyed the game enough to play the game when it is released.


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It’s now release for the Korean version and over 30 days.

The population doesn’t seem to have decreased, and if anything with the refresh update it has increased.

As of February 3rd, according to Inven rankings, ToS has jumped to rank 18. That’s very high for a 1 and half month old game that only a week ago released the cap content for the current cap, and has yet to release more levels and new classes as well as varying content.

That being said, it has yet to reach the international community, there’s no point gauging that now but it’s very obvious that it won’t by any means be low if things progress as they do for the KR region.

Obviously in the first 30 days of OBT the population will have a large spike and decline as that’s just how gamers are these days, it’s the after 30 days where we worry, but so long as it’s a steady increase, which it seems to be for kToS, then it’s fine. Many players have yet to reach the current level cap, and it’s certainly not from a lack of trying.

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I mean things have come out though?

Black Desert, extremely popular here, is out there.

FFXIV, another extremely popular game, has opened a KR server recently.

Bless online is now in OBT, there’s just so many games.

Maple story 2 came out, more popular there than it probably will be here, and then there’s the endless supply of MOBAs like MasterXMaster.

Also it’s not like inven rankings is comparing against new games, it’s against ALL currently running games, which is why games such as Dungeon Fighter Online/WoW/FIFA/LoL/Lineage are at the top. To reach rank 18 is definitely a feat worth praising when it’s being put up against older more popular games AND new ones. It reached rank 18 pre-refresh update, who knows where it is now, but it’s only been going up.

I can understand that being highly ranked in Korea doesn’t mean it’ll be as amazing here, because different audiences and monetization usually. But we have really good chances since the developers are self publishing.

I am aware, for a guy that likes to talk about relevancy, let’s keep the posts relevant.

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(Looks like you edited out your Naruto reference, but I’ll leave this here regardless)What I’m saying is that we’re on the filler episodes of Naruto, and basing how well the rest of the anime will be based on fillers doesn’t make a lot of sense. Before the fillers it was pretty popular, and usually after the fillers, we’ll get some nice stuff, but we’re still waiting on those subs too (btw I don’t like Naruo very much, personal opinion)

To get to the point, it’s too early to base anything on previous data from different MMO’s of different genres and different monetization. The game CURRENTLY is doing well, and is going up.

Will that stay the same for awhile, I don’t know, but chances are it will at the rate things are CURRENTLY going.

Because it’s going well there, it gives us a high chance that it’ll do well there. You have to factor in it’ll have steam exposure, and media exposure soon, as well as more content. Players from the beta that haven’t kept up will find an entirely new experience with the refreshed ToS so most media will spread good news, so will streamers/etc since they’ll base it against they’re past experience. Last beta we had some extremely popular streamers play for a short period such as Summit1g, who’s still hyped about ToS.

So I see no reason for it to fail, but it depends on if things keep progressing at the same rate and monetization as well as communication.

On a side note, wonderking became wonderking 2 in Japan and is being republished by Subagames, and it was due to its outstanding community, that game was never even ranked high. You can currently play a local wondering server as of earlier this month as they work out the bugs and localization.

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Let’s use pretend numbers to make this easier.

Say 200,000 players were RO fans and they jumped on this game hoping it would be an RO clone that’s updated. They were mistaken, let’s say 100,000 go back to RO, 50,000 wait to see where this goes and 25,000 move to a different game while 25,000 keep up to date and enjoy the game. I feel like that’s a fair depiction, and if it isn’t, who cares.

It’s going on steam, it’s going to be publicized by streamers, if we forget those 200,000 RO fans, we can easily replace them with 1 million players based off the Steam community alone.

If you would like to compare ToS to other steam MMO’s, I think it has an extremely good chance, depending on the monetization, server stability and communication.

Now, let’s factor in that the games nearly completely changed since those 200,000 RO fans last played, through media such as streamers, word of mouth between friends and the general Internet, or those 50,000 players that waited to see how things would go, they learnt about these changes. This would spark an interest to at least tempt some of those players to return and try it again.

I fully believe that at its current state in kToS, it’s a game worth spending time on, much more than in the CB’s.

Now all these numbers are made up and rely on so many things that it doesn’t make much sense really, but it should give a general idea.

Again gauging things like this, this early is pretty nonsensical, but so is saying that it’ll fail this early. I’m just presenting a scenario that seems more likely.

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There is a tendency for games to lose interest and players over time but I think ToS will do alright.

It also might be the case that older folks will remember Ragnarok rather than Tree of Savior, but what of the newer generation of gamers that happen to pick this game up? At the very least they should take more away from gaming than the plethora of FPS and open world sandboxes developers seem very fond of producing.

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I agree, I actually believe older folks don’t have the time to play an RO clone, and ToS does a nice job of letting players with little time make progress via dungeons/dailies.

The RO community is small in comparison to the MMORPG community, and I feel that ToS is different enough to appeal to a majority.

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Fair enough.

I speak from a financial and player base perspective. How good the game is, will always be a personal opinion, with some overlap between the majority opinion.

I can see the game being a fail to those wishing for something more RO like. I think it’s a success in terms of an MMORPG, but not an RO upgrade.

That’s a kind of weird way to put things. DoTA is still a pretty huge success, I don’t like either games myself, and financially LoL seems better.

But I could be like… Yeah I used to play FlyFF but then Aion came out and I knew it was the superior flight MMO. I mean yeah, we know, but this doesn’t really apply well with MMORPG’s or ToS really, since the only comparison people are making is with RO, and we have a much larger crowd of players that are coming in having never played RO once the steam release happens.

I think we’ve strayed a little off topic, and we’ve both expressed our views. Only thing to do now is to wait and see what happens, and enjoy the game while its here, when it’s here.

“Spot on” of course how could i forget random amounts of @ symbols chosen at random are a official and quantifiable measurement.

This is a bad reference for future of ToS as naruto is 99.99% filler.

Also i would give up, trust me i have tried arguing with a brick wall it doesn’t go anywhere and you expend a lot of energy for nothing.

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that just reminds me of ;