Tree of Savior Forum

The big question that keeps getting dodged

The FPS issue, the thing that’s driving most players including myself to quit the game.

How is the progress of fixing it going?
When do you plan for the games engine to be able run at a stable 60 FPS?
Are you using all these new shiny updates to distract us from the real issue?

Thanks if you reply to this @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan

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There was an issue were they reverted some of the changes that were previously done to fix FPS. And it was acknowledge that it needed to be reapplied.

That said you should not expect miracles. This is a custom engine and while the art may look great I just don’t see it becoming as smooth as say Starcraft II. Least not on most machines.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

and never got a real answer/solution besides automated response from the staff.

the bigger question

did @extrinsicality get banned from forum for advertising he was selling his hacks yet? on a thread a staff posted on?



this post has become special as it seems to have been removed from the gamebreaking hacks thread

i dont know if extrinsically did it himself or if a moderator did
