Tree of Savior Forum

The beta sign up has ended!

Dear new players that had registered recently, IMC no longer accepts any more applicants for beta! For those of you who had registered After 30th JULY 12AM EDT unfortunately you won’t have a chance at getting a key!

Beta Tester Sign Up
No separate sign up procedure will be necessary.
All those who have logged in to the Official Website( at least once until July 30 12:00 AM will automatically be signed up as test candidates.

Number of Testers and Selection Process
5,000 testers will be randomly selected from those who have logged in at least once since the Official Website’s renewal (June 25) to July 30 12:00 AM.
Please note that accounts from countries where we already have local publishers, such as Korea, China, etc. will not be selected as testers.

(*All Dates and Times are based on Eastern Daylight Time)

Beta Tester Selection and Beta Key Distribution Date
Friday, July 31, 2015
For those selected as Beta Testers, you will receive Beta Keys through e-mail and you will also be able to check the keys in the Official Website.

More Info:


As far as i can see players still have 12minutes to register:


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Well well.
Now let’s hope all those inactive accounts and bot accounts get deleted to increase the chances of getting keys.
Good luck everyone.

It ended at 12AM, in 12 minutes it will be 12PM

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Be prepare for Salty posts tomorrow when IMC announce Beta Tester.

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Im turning into a pile of melted salted icecream just waiting if i get a key. HUHUHU. i need that 7 day beta key. :fearful:

arr can’t wait for it :joy:

Ow yea my bad, well that increases my chance on a key :smile:

I haven’t win a draw so I hope this time I win one :slight_smile:




LOL!!! Well, glad to see a post mentioning the cut off time =) Now everyone hold your breaths while you wait impatiently at your inbox XD

God let me get a KeYYYYYY

I got all your keys. Beg and I might think about giving you one.

should select from the accounts which post as least one time in forums

Good luck for everybody!!

And then I realized…
<< Local publisher
<< Indonesia


I already have lot of salt prepared. >=|


My luck is pretty good, so I’m confident I’ll get a key! I feel more lucky than Nagito atm (+1 if you got that reference)