Tree of Savior Forum

Thaumaturge Transpose Skill Suggestion

Hello all, i’d like to talk about the Thaumaturge skill Transpose recast effect, whenever you use it again before it’s cooldown is done it reverts back to it’s previous amount.
For example: if i had 2k health and went to 8k with transpose and healed up to 8k it goes back to 2k when i recast the skill even if it’s not over yet, making any amount that i healed meaningless. This however, is perfectly fine for C1 and C2, but i feel that if you really invested on the class all the way up to C3 this should be different.

My suggestion is that on C3 you get access to an attribute that makes the skill not reset health gained from the switch with CON, that way you won’t see everyone picking up Thauma C1 just for such attribute and reward those that likes and invests on the class all the way as it’s really annoying to recast the skill and and have a chance to die due to low health, specially if you invested points in it.

From one of their previous post, Tranpose recast shouln’t put it back at your maximal normal hp and they work on it (But well they work on alot of thing soo…)

But yeah i feel like thaum 3 could really use something strong that would make it special or stronger. I guess having a big head make it special in a way but there 2 thing about it that isn’t really nice.
1- It don’t profit to any streng based spell/char in any way (Int only boost magic damage and nothing else)
2- Almost the same as having another Magic attack buff (Because some spell scale with int it make it a bit better but only for cleric) Overall it just another damage boost spell. The third one.

Yeah the big head buff could benefit physical damage players too, idk if str increase would make it too OP though but would be nice. Btw thanks for replying, those are good points.
Also another reason for transpose change is that if feels kinda bad having to spend so many points in transpose just for it to last longer without any other benefit instead of the enemy size modifier skills for example.

Considering they “fixed” this identical issue for Swashbuckling, I expected this to work like that now as well…

but the other issue is, what’s the point of ever getting more than Lv3 of Transpose? Why would anyone ever invest 15 levels into this?

Personally, I’d like it if it was simply a 1-level maxed skill, but that sounds too easy, considering it’s not THAT hard for Thauma to decide what skills to max at the moment.

And yea…Swell head really needs to bring something unique and worthwhile to the table. Pure non-scaling INT is just…worse than the other swell arm buffs? xD