Tree of Savior Forum

Thaumaturge C1 viable as a filler class?

It’s a sad day when someone turns to League as their main MOBA knowledge. But slow severity can change a soft CC into a hard CC. It depends. In MOBAs, there’re items which prevent CC, and usually in those games they take into account what’s not a hard CC and what is. But in any case, slow is a CC in it’s own form. If someone can’t touch you, they can’t do damage. Easy as that. Why do you think kiting exists?

If you dont want MOBA - take WoW (classic MMORPG)

I don’t mind MOBA and that League wiki was fine, was just stating that as I would have turned to DotA instead.

I dont care about MOBA (played once - not my cup of tea). We are talking about CC, and the definition is universal - and clearly Slow IS cc.

Pretty embarrassing for the person who said slow is a debuff and not a CC. I guess a Stun is just another debuff too.

I never said Slow isn’t CC - pieridaez said so. Read attentively … Besides CC is subcategory of debuff - as debuffs are (for the most players, though definitions differs - as in the “nuker” case) all negative status effects which enemy or you can be afflicted with - not only stats related.

I think you need to read. I’m talking about that person. Never was I arguing with you. Lel.

K - it was misleading as it was just us who wrote several last posts and none was arguing about Stun. Sorry :wink:

I’m Wiz-Cryo-Linker-Thau. I was wondering if going Linker 2 or Thau 1 too. Because im planing in be Sorc 3 or 2 or 1 and Necro 2 (probably Sorc 3). At the end i just decided to take Thau for one only thing…the Hp heal with Transponse.

I tend to solo a lot, and its hard for me to find Friends and groups in MMOs, plus for my play Style, I’m casual. I considerer the better for me was to minimice the rest time. So with Transponse and Cat bufs later on, you can regenerate all your HP and Mana in a camp fire in NO time (Plus I dont like to waste potions a lot, only in critical situations). Because someone said in other post, Transponse with more CON gives you more HP regen.

My choice was determined by my play style and utility. Some people can say its better one choice or another, its true, but I have to look at what I want to acomplish in the game. For me is Solo Grind and Party in Dungeons with the Dungeon Searcher. And I feel that If you want to be Sorc the 4 ranks before it are just fillers. (Diferent if you are going to be Necro probally is better Wiz3 Link1).

My two cents. Sorry if my english is not perfect.

I think it just depends on who you’re gonna party.

Linker C2:

Joint Penalty : Adding 2-3 more links is a 33 - 66% increase in damage against a group, for AoE Ratio / single target. Doesn’t do much in boss fights and for land deployments

Spiritual Link : Really great with PD and with QS

Thauma C1:

Swell Left Arm : 218 atk & matk is good for both mobs and bosses for multi-hit skills. For something like Frost Cloud (att lv 100) , that’s 436 damage per hit (30 hits in 10 seconds), per target (unlimited?). It’ll add up to be a 13,080 damage boost per target (without Quick Cast). Meanwhile, it doesn’t do much for single or low hit skills.

Shrink Body : Decrease in size could mean a 33% - 50% damage boost for Archers (Missiles), as well as another 140 damage per hit (Swell Left Arm attribute). Shrink Body only works on mobs

Swell Body : Double exp and drop, but I’d prefer Shrink for a support perspective for Thauma 1 so… skipping

Transpose : Quite good for Con builds, meh for Int

I don’t think Linker C2 is really worth it and I only like Thauma for C2 (Reversi).

So my suggestion is… remake and go cryo 3.

Well I guess that for casual solo players that is viable (not so much for everyone else).

Sorc2 is great - Sorc3 (atm) is not worth it (though you may go for it in hopes that they will buff it nicely). I was thinking about Necro, but other players discuraged me - saying that its summons are bad (atm) and its money pit (with how corpses gathering works).

Don’t forget that Swell Body slows the enemies allowing kiting with more EXP, it’s better than Shrink Body. Also archers do more damage to smaller targets while spear users do more damage to large targets(I may be wrong but you get my point about these two), allowing you to modify damage according to your party.

Transpose is amazing if you are a full CON support. Linker 2 is SO much more weak compared to Thaumaturge 1, if you are gonna argue +2/3 link = faster run. +218 DMG is WAY faster, esp with an Elementalist(which are everywhere).

Oh sorry. Well I have an archer for both my static parties and only one of them have a spear user but he’s a tank. So I didn’t really look at spear-related size stuff at all. haha

My final advide is that if you are very concerned about the gaming community in ToS, take Link 2. You know how are this games recently. The community starts to believe blindy in what other says (the fórums) and will start saying later on: “If you are not Linker 2 we dont want you in the party”

^ Yeah, many people are all about the “meta” and they are blind sheeps. If there’s no guide about it then it must be false! Typical of the internet community. Good news tho, just today I’ve seen 2-3 shouts for a Linker OR Thaumaturge for grinding parties. Seems like people are waking up to the idea.

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Heated debate on both sides, both classes offer different things. On to my next point… What if I go:

Wiz > Pyro > Link > Link > Sorc > Sorc > Link

Now taking C3 for Linker and if I get lucky and got a gem to link up to 11 mobs, now, will that be something that would somewhat make C2 Linker justified taking?

Depending on how I feel about Sorc, C3 might not be worth taking, and opt for C3 Linker, how would that round out the build?

And what about:
Wiz > Pyro > Linker > Link > Sorc > Sorc > Feather?

Feather has some nice dot damage that would do well w/ on hit effects like Pyro especially spreading with Links.

I don’t think you will like C3 Linker… You will get no new animations whatsoever for working sooo hard to get there, while everyone else is having cool animations(whether or not they work or are buggy are a different case). But yes, objectively answering, C2 Linker is worth it IF you go C3 Linker due to the nature of Life Line, which requires Spiritual Chain to work, giving it use without certain classes being available.

C3 Linker is an amazing support class if you time your Life Line right, it’s only up 50% of the time(with no modifiers such as gems or Divine Might), so if you use it when it’s not necessary you’ll see that it’s not there for the time you actually need it. Also if your party or you(a full CON support) have high CON without a healer, many people will have really low HP over max HP once you share stats, much like what Transpose does.

I’m not sure about DPS classes like Featherfoot but I have played a few classes in iCBT such as Thaumaturge and I can say it’s much better than C2 Linker now after Spiritual Chain was ninja nerfed.

I will say if you don’t mind being a full support, one trick pony then go ahead and be a C3 Linker, by one trick pony I mean you only really have one role in the entire game.

TL;DR: If you want to go C3 Linker, it is important to keep in mind what are your stat distribution to begin with? What do you have to share with others that’s unique to you? Because unless you have a static party, you don’t know what you’re going to get when you share Life Line.

Also I’m very curious about Life Line’s attribute, seems like damage immunity % to me.

Edit: And well, 11 mobs is quite a bit, it also directly empowers your summon, the whole debate is very different as a full support and a self-built DPS. To augment the party, there is no doubt Thauma 1 > Linker 2 to help ensure a faster run, but if you wanna make your own summon better, I’ve heard JP helps a lot with their wonky AI.

I wont create another topic but i will discuss here my questionário.
I am planing on a build that involves c1 thauma and would apreciate opiniões.
My build would looks like
Status mostly in int. With transpose and featherfoot i May be able to heal in most cases. And that is cool.
But swell left arm i dont think will be of much use since cryo 1 has no multi hit spells.
So would still worth picking thauma or woul be better something like pyro3>linker>sorc2>FF? Ty everyone.