Tree of Savior Forum

Thaumaturge body mod attribute

So would it be possible to create attributes for the Thaumaturge skills that change your avatar’s appearance (Swell Left/Right Arm & Swell Brain) so that they don’t display their visual effects?

It might make Thaumaturge a more appealing class seeing as some probably find that having some/all of those body modifications to be too ugly to bear (not me, although I could do without unilateral steroids ^^). It wouldn’t change too much on the negative side, seeing as attirbutes can be turned off/on…

I agree the only reason I dont do thaumaturge is because i cant stand get inflated by their skills

I find it funny how Thauma c2 makes you look super buff, and then on c3 you become a chibi version of yourself.

I got no problems. Large grabby hands look cute

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Yaoi hands*


I believe that c4 thaumaturges have Swell Boobs skill.
Just look at Thauma master.