Tree of Savior Forum

Thauma Weapon CHOICE

I m at lvl 120 now. As Thauma circle 1.
Based on observation, getting Sword or Blunt weapon to increase physical atk will be useless. Or even getting high Dex for crits or STR for more physical dmg.
As I understand, I can’t deliver any physical attack except using my arde dagger.
The problem is, offhand physical attack value is separated from physical attack of main one.
For example, Sword with 120 atk dmg won’t contribute the dmg into my C attack (arde dagger off hand) dmg.vice versa(need more confirmation/update on other dagger).
But Property attacks from both weapons will affect each others respectively.
So in conclusion, getting physical dmg for Thaumaturge is useless.
Its better to pump up magical dmg for your auto atk.

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I don’t really get the point of this post

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how about…you know…using magic spells as caster

use arde + any suitable rod and you are fine

yes. currently now i m using arch rod + arde dagger. i was trying Wizard Blade, but didnt work like i expected. thats why I created this post.

all your dmg depends on your magic attack, int, magic amplification and elemental boni

physical dmg has 0 influence on your dmg, which makes clubs and daggers etc useless

but any property atk still influence your overall attack tho. being wizard got many downside tho. just like cleric can’t deal magic auto atk but physical auto atk is possible, while wizard can’t deal physical auto atk but magic auto atk is possible. i hope these only affected by weapon-wise. would be great if developers take a look at these again.

physical attack doesnt increase your left mouse button dmg, only magic dmg

you can deal physical damage whit wizard. just use a two Hand staff and do a subweapon attack.

ya, c is physical dmg, but its useless except of pushing fire balls and noone should ever use it

i think his point is that he wants a physical attack wizard

There is no point in using physical attacks as a mage. The best option would be daggers, but even exploiting pierce weaknesses and using Swell Right Arm, without Str and Dex, your damage will be very low.
Keep to your magic based auto attack, use auto-attack canceling if needed. Also, things get better with Thauma 2, because Swell Right Arm will also increase your magic attack if you use a dagger (in your case, your arde dagger), and that will increase the damage of your magic auto attack, without needing to attack with the dagger itself.
Also, it boosts your skills, which you should be using, because, you know, you are a wizard.
In case you want auto attacks, try cafrisun set + arde dagger + sacrament + Swells (+ Enchant Fire if your are a pyro).
Its not much, but its a breeze level up like this in mobs weak to magic/holy or have around 5-10k hp.

And yeah, pump your physical attack as a thaumaturge is useless. For YOU. Your physical based team mates in other hand will enjoy it. Thaumas are buffers, support class, that is why the skill buffs both physical and magical attacks. To help both types of damages.

Those are the ‘main hand’ buff sticks, like how arde is an off hand buff stick.
There could be more of them, dunno.

I mean there are reasons to play a suboptimal build, like for flavour for example. When the game allows you to do it, and provides you with legitimate means to make it work to a certain extent, some people will try it.

You do still provide suggestions though, which is nice. To add upon it, highly consider taking chronomancer for quicken, that’ll help the damage a bit more. Though it’s a bit difficult since chrono 3 is mutually exclusive with thau 2+ right now, and for a physical damage build you’ll want swell right hand. Power staff int melee build solves this problem by getting only thau 1.