Tree of Savior Forum

Thauma Ffoot Mystery

what exactly happened here in this video

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Looks like undocumented interaction between Swell Body (doubles max HP) and Ngadhundi (with its “Decay” that reduces max HP).

seems like it, though the drain seems to take place after the effects of swell body are gone…

Guess from a programmer:
What happens is that when you get decayed it works out what your new, lower max hp is, then it recursively drains your hp until it gets to that value.
but then Swell body wears off, max hp =/= decayed hp, and it drains hp until the loop is broken by trying to go below 1.

Suppose this works with Necromancer’s Decay effects?

So he used swell body to raise the target’s HP resulting in a higher hp. Used naghundi to reduce that max hp and when the swell body effect wore off the hp drained because the normal value of hp is not equal to the value of the decayed hp?

God, confusing hahaha

Is this a bug or just a normal “math” induced interaction. I’m not really good with math.

I’d call it a bug, personally. Its silly strong if its intentional.

In the video the character doesn’t lose HP, it’s MAX HP keeps getting lowered.

What I’m assuming is Decay makes skills that reduce maximum HP turn into some sort of HP reducer DoT.

If this doesn’t get fixed I’ll make one of this for myself, looks a lot like a char that people would be like, wtf killed me.

PS.: Necro is also able of doing Decay, not sure how viable it is or if it works the same though.


Video from target’s perspective would tell more about what is going on with his/her HP.

Awesome combo, I hope they doesn’t fix this bug.
Thaum need some synergy with other class.

:open_mouth: video was taken down :\