Tree of Savior Forum

Thank you IMCgames

It’s been pretty chaotic around here, and a lot of people are upset at the recent developments. However, I would like to extend some appreciation for being thoughtful enough to your community to give us a chance to make choices on recent developments.

Thank you IMCgames for all of your hard work! <3


Slurp THANK Slurp YOU Slurp IMCgames Slurp

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They weren’t kidding when they said the community is really toxic now…


I come to read all of this chaos and I do admit: They’re handling this with more PR than I see out of most gaming companies/publishers altogether. It isn’t perfect as much as most people are piping over, but all things considered they are trying to encompass the civil and even toxic opinions in their decisions.

And while I feel as though too much of that is going to go straight bad if they heed and cater to everyone too much, it shows their care for giving us the game we want to enjoy.

That said, I await the 29th. Get to play with a few die-hard friends and chill with what experiences will surely be at least decent.

Community is not that toxic afterall, has one here or ten there, nothing to be surprised.

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When something gets too popular, you’re bound to get toxicity. It’s part of the reason things like high-popular MOBAs seem to have extremely toxic communities. Higher ratio and all. Not really all that surprising really.

The Internet is a scary place. Maybe I should go back to lurking. T.T

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Go to off-topic, there you find more fun people and topics. :slight_smile:

There are decent people on these forums because the game hasn’t come out yet. Once the game is out, it will be completely toxic.

I hope everything gets better after the release…

Lurking is fun :slight_smile:


It tickles, stop it.


OH MY GOD THAT’S GOLD! awesome john.

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is that what I think it is? :confounded:

oh my.:worried:

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So… ERPing with the staff isn’t taboo? This changes everything.

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Touche John. Till next time

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No one will remember if the game is late, only if it’s great.

  • Jay Wilson (Diablo 3)

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