Finally a boss that is really challenging and hard. Possible to make her into a World Boss?
Love the huge AOE freeze and knockback. It is really painful.
See the fight here. 1hr 31mins onwards. (If it doesn’t show means it is still processing)
Finally a boss that is really challenging and hard. Possible to make her into a World Boss?
Love the huge AOE freeze and knockback. It is really painful.
See the fight here. 1hr 31mins onwards. (If it doesn’t show means it is still processing)
Grats on completing the raid the hardest part is the lag on that final boss. I think its caused by some of the adds getting stuck off the side of the map.
Yeah lag is really bad on the last boss, but it is really fun compared to the world bosses we have currently.
Omg, by the way, what’s the reward of that raid?
Also, wouldn’t be good to use Dispellers against the freeze? D:
1 forge recipe /20 char
soo… this is useful?
should bring a lot :3 like hundreds coz boss always cast that ice block and freezing wind
Yes dispellers helps a lot to counter the freeze. The boss also inflicts a ‘bleed’ (skull) debuff. Not sure what that ‘bleed debuff’ does though, think it lowers def/mdef and stacks to 9 stacks.
Occasionally, the boss will send out aoe frost ‘cloud/grounds’ in the form of ice pikes, these are deadly as they will kb and hit quite hard. Most of the time if you get hit by the 1st wave, the subsequent 2-3waves will hit too and result in death if mdef is really low.
A forge increases the entire’s guild physical attack by 110 once it is installed and active in the guild. Lasts 24hrs only though, hopefully IMC can change and improve on the raid rewards to make it more rewarding to run it.
Maybe a chance for 1x practonium or some other mat so that it feels more rewarding to join a guild and participate in pve guild activities and raids.
Is it this one?
@Nekorin prolly no info but after the Forge runs out you need to craft one again by doing all necessary raids? If at least the Forge had some mechanics to charge its duration and something as a month lifespan feels it would be worth to use D:
Thanks for the debuff info.
Not too sure about it too, but most likely will have to redo missions and raids to get the rcp again. A better alternative is making the Forge and Academy charged based so when they are down, the guild can gather mats to recharge them.
Yep the forge is one use only. That’s the correct debuff lunar but I’m not sure if it works like the description.
Hey mind if I ask if raid bosses drop cards? There’s a couple new guild raids in ktos that have couple of bosses I know could be used as sorcerer summon and I wonder if the raid would drop them.
Tree of 10 fps, everything in TOS that could be fun is killed by the frame rate
Can’t really answer this. Till now I’ve haven seen any cards dropped from raid boss/guild missions yet.
@MagicOne Sadly until they fully optimise the game we just got to make do with the low fps.
Ok, thanks anyways.
As I’ve heard the raids are laggy too and apparently the higher level ones can take a long time so even if they dropped a card they are probably quite rare.
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