Tree of Savior Forum

Texts Missing and Replaced with Codes

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time : 11/9/2015

Bug Description : There are some texts missing and replaced with codes.
(letting us know what you were doing before, during, and after the bug happened will help us a lot)

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Talk to Vaidotas at Crystal Mines 3F
  2. You’ll be asked to accept or decline the quest: "[Main] Rescue the Villagers

Screenshots / Video : I can’t upload the others because I can’t, since I’m a new user, which limits me from posting two or more images. I’ll post the others in the reply sections.

(attach screenshots or videos regarding the bug)

Thank you for reporting. We will translate it ASAP.


Just doin’ my job, sir :smile_cat:

Others i think the resolution option sometimes disappears.

i cant post multiple images for new users… XD

I got some more:

Bug Details:

Date and Time : 11/9/2015

Bug Description : There are some wrong texts, missing or replaced with codes, in chats, items descriptions and quest notices.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Talk to the NPCs and/or obtain the items here listed.
  2. **Peltasta Master **is the exception, the bug appears only sometimes.
  3. In the **Light Attack **quest (Tenet Chapel B1), everytime you use the Holy Water (pressing V).

[ITEM] Light Bow:


[NPC] Warehouse Keeper Rita:


[NPC] Peltasta Master:


I’ll leave the list of the other ones:
[ITEM] Crude Short Bow
[ITEM] Long Bow
[ITEM] Superior Short Bow
[NPC] Follower Tiberius
[QUEST] Light Attack

It would be better if you make your own thread lol. Just sayin’. So the devs will find it easier.

Maybe, but I would still be limited to 3 posts and 1 image per post, so I don’t know. Plus, after a little search, I found out that these were already pointed out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh well. I hope the devs sees your bug reports, pal.

Thanks for the screenshots. These should be fixed soon upon game updates.

Gem bugs if you try and add it to the enhancing pane. Needs EXP bar possibly removing and the right text putting in place.

this one should be fixed according to github. it should come in upcoming updates