Tree of Savior Forum

Test Server for Combat System Changes

Hello Everyone,

As the upcoming combat system changes are on our way and everyone is looking forward to them. Shouldn’t it be possible to implement a Test Server (which I have seem in other games) in which we can test these changes, report bugs, test our builds and strategies, etc. In order to smooth the implementation process and our time as we figure out the builds.

Just something to consider.




kTOS is the test server.

Also, you name is above your post, you don’t need to “sign” your post.

Hahaha true… Oh well I though we could have one here :S

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This needs to be done or else the continued player discontent and downward trend of average people playing over a prolonged period will keep going down. The statistic thread keeping track of players has shown the biggest and only increase was when resets were given out in January as a direct result. Considering the way things are not properly documented here and changes are predominantly developed in Korea there’s no way for certain players can know what exactly needed improvement without the means to always test things not in a live scenario.

You can’t possibly expect to be taken serious as a company at this point in the international scene when your developers refuse to make contact with iTOS players directly, then expect them to just translate and keep track of things themselves or rely on documentation that has been flawed from the conception of this server. If you wanted to mend your reputation in this regard then you would open a test server even if it meant merging others to make server space. This would be like killing two birds with one stone and increase player’s disposition and responsiveness to the upcoming changes which they are more than likely not ready to accept or going to understand without this server.

Please for the love of goodness do not make TP bought resets on the live servers expecting that is going to fly over well with people. That would be the worst case scenario and an extremely back handed thing to do which I seriously would like to not see happen.

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A test server for iTOS wouldn’t solve things, they’re already going to make a reset even that will allow everyone to reset and test everything they want to, just like kTOS, the only thing is that we’ll get it when it’s done.

A test server purpose isn’t for users to test things to themselves, it’s for users to test things for developers and feedback-wise currently a korean test server stands as a best option for them, even though a greater community would give more feedback.

And having a reset event on the live server when everything is right is actually better than having a single reset handed out because everyone already tested everything on a separate server. In the live server you have opportunity to fix build and stats of all your characters and as well test them with good weapons on real world usage such as PvP and Earth Tower runs.

The reset scroll was given one time as an unique event, along with usual January vacations, that made a lot of players come back. I think the smarter choice is to do the same, once everything is read they will do a reset event for everyone to test all builds they want to and as well reset and test everything. And it’s a great thing that a lot of hidden mechanics are being removed, documentation-wise.

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A great suggestion! Hopefully @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Yuri one of you will suggest to the one in charge to reconsider having a test server for our server for testing purposes when big changes like this are implemented. Perhaps it could only be implemented in the game for set amounts of times for testing larger scale contents and kept off when said content is released live? :slight_smile:

This would really tell international player base that our suggestions are valued!

Another option would be to open ktest server for others than koreans, while it’s obviously not a preferred solution for this even testing on a korean server international players could provide a lot of feedback to better the game.
Server could still be kept in korea but provided a bit of support for english client. Also a new section for suggestions based on testserver things.

Just provide us a way to contribute making the game better (other than paying) and test things. :slight_smile:

@LunarRabbit I don’t disagree with what you say but more the merrier. I think having both the reset event and a test server would be great. Definitely for the purpose of making the content better and in lines of what the community wants and thinks is good for the game, instead of just checking out the next meta.
I think it would be great to provide us a way to give feedback on these raw changes currently on ktest server so they are also altered by the feedback from us and not just the korean player base.

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This alone is a good point for that.

This could as well be great, since everyone knows we end up playing there anyway, lol.

Pretty much agree on everything. They could solve most of the bad points (costs, feedback, maintenance etc) by simple opening ktest for everyone that have a TOS account and making it more public around here.

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That’s why I suggested it, if they think the negatives are too high with giving us our own they should at least allow us to participate in the current one and also provide a way for the feedback to actually get directed to devs.

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