Tree of Savior Forum

Test new build ._."

i was planning to be Rune Caster
hope to share your opinion
Wiz-Cry1-Psyc1-Thau2-Rune Caster-Thau3
Wiz-cry1-Psys3-Rune Caster-Cry2
and planing to play Psychic Pressure like main ?
thanks :slight_smile:

I advice you to not do that.

for Runecasters builds :

if you want be dps do
Wizzard3 Elementalist3 Runecaster - Cloth . With a minimum of 15k hp

if you want be support do
Wizzard3 Thaumaturge3 Runecaster - Plate or Cloth or Leather .

If you want to be a controler
Wizzard3 Cryo3 Runcaster

don’t do shitty random build that can’t dps correctly or can’t support correctly or you will find you having trouble convincing yourself or others that your character is worth rerolling.

From what I see RuneCaster and Kino doesnt synergies good.

The synergy for kino would be ice wall -> psychic pressure combo with rune of ice bolstering the damage. The idea isn’t bad, I can’t help but feel like wiz 3 -> ele 3 runecaster is more reliable but whatever floats his boat.

Edit: As per giving advice, wizard 3 helps runecaster so much which is why people recommend taking it. Yes you can precast rune of the ice but there is 4 seconds that you could shave off and do something else as well as quickcast feeding so heavy into magic damage already due to the attribute. It also enables runes mid combat due to surespell.

If you still feel like you want to do the psychic pressure + wall combo I recommend wiz 3 -> cryo -> psychokino -> runecaster -> insert something here.

I have no experience with Thaumaturge, but as for the second build, It’s a nice combination for pvp, with the famous “Ice Wall + PP” combo for bossing. But you’d have to deal with extremely long casting times for any Rune Caster skills, which will lead to very rare usage of its skills.

@Lhydre Since you mentioned it, how would you rate Wiz3 > Cryo3 > RC dps-wise for the current end game content? I mean, would it be capable of dishing decent amounts of damage?

My dps rating end game

Wiz3 Elem3 RuneCaster 7/10

Wiz3 Cryo3 RuneCaster 5/10

But do not mistake me Cryo3 is very good for the control. And is usefull at the engame to have in some situation the ice tree. Rune of ice give you some dps sometimes when it’s needed. So Elem3 is not better than Cryo3 is just not the same role.

And no cryo3 does not deal more dps than elem3 so for worldboss top dps cryo3 will be behind.
Only some archer build and elem3 can fight to be on the top dps atm.

For Earth Tower Cryo3 will be really helpfull to pack the monster and EVEN if is not an awesome dps you will increase more the dps of the team than a elem3 in a lot of team setup due to the monster packing/cc that will help other dps do a goodjob.

So it’s not actually that bad dps in comparison to the Elementalist variant. But would it match another control/dps build, let’s say, Cryo3 > Sorc3?