Tree of Savior Forum

Temporary solutions to current issues

I’m a patient guy, but this is getting ridiculous. The game is practically unplayable right now.

Some suggestions:

  • Disable shout chat completely until you work out a complete solution for it (just add a level 30-50 requirement to megaphone for god sake). People can live without shouting for a while, like we did in iCBT2.
  • Increase whatever you have on party + dungeon server. I know you guys are working on optimizations for that, but adding servers is a quick and dirty way that get your players happy until you can work out a solution (again)
  • Re-enable 1:1 trading and reduce market tax to 10% even for non-token players please. I paid $50, but even then I cannot withstand that much penalty for a free player. I don’t know the details of your aim with this, you want to combat RMT, right? It’s obviously not working, so scratch that plan, instead focus your resource on preventing bot and hack. Without bot and hack, they will not be able to farm silver amass, thus no RMT. And no annoyance
  • Triple mobs spawn rate on all maps. If people can kill mobs quickly, let them. 2 minutes per spawn is ridiculous, especially on a quest-based game