Tree of Savior Forum

Templar - Outfit and Guild Emblem Suggestion

Hello guys!

So here is something i have been thinking about the Templar class. All we know about it so far is that this class is related to guilds (possibly the only class able to create guilds? i don’t know).

So… While it is true that i haven’t had a glimpse of how will the Templar look like, i will anyways spill out my suggestion: If Templar is a guild-related class, what about giving them something in their outfit/costume which could differ one Templar from another (considering they are from different guilds).

So my suggestion is: Maybe give them a cape in which the guild’s emblem/crest would be stamped on.
Now… this only would look nice IF the game would allow the Templar to create his guild’s emblem/crest inside the game (which solves the problem of “troll” emblems with genitals and all that…).

There are a couple games with the same kind of in-game guild emblem/crest creation. Such as World of Warcraft (guild tabards) or Guild Wars 2 (guild emblem). So it’s not something totally innovative.

Here goes an example of how it works in Guild Wars 2:

I just think it would be nice to be able to differ a Templar from another - considering they are from different guilds - just by looking at the guild crest stamped on their capes.

As for the in-game emblem/crest creation… There isn’t a lot of thought to put in it. Just some preset shield, dragons, phoenix, horns, swords shapes etc etc, allow the player to choose the colors while composing the emblem/crest and voylla: now you have different looking Templars representing different guilds and all.

I’d also like to add another point to that suggestion: please do not add “guild capes” as an costume item or addon to other classes… That would absolutely ruin a lot of the art put on all those absolutely epic looking outfits. Keep it a Templar’s only thing.

(All that considering that Templar will indeed be the guild creating class, etc etc).

What do you guys think about it? Would it look cool and give an immersive role playing feeling to it?
I’d like to know other people’s opinion on this (positive or not, i don’t mind criticism).

Sorry for my english mistakes, if there are any.



Good sugestion… If every class and every person creates a Guild, the world will be filled out so fast…

There may be also flags… Also, this custom emblem/crest creation is nice, but with one ‘preset’ and a ‘color’ be used, that preset with that color especially has to be disabled in order to don’t exist another copy…

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Hmm I dont know, I think it would be nice to have a way to rep your guild, through tabrds/standards/capes etc.

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True that! It would be interresting if they would not allow duplicated emblems.


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It will happen because everyone will pick the ‘general coolest’ of the symbols and stuff.
Restricting it on a first-come first-serve basis would eventually mean we run out of emblems if players are allowed to freely take whichever isn’t taken.

I would like to suggest the alternative of self-uploaded Emblems.
There may be some tacky ones but generally they are within a competitive standard.
IMC might even consider charging us cash to upload them.
i.e. Warframe’s Clan Emblem system. (Examples) (Wikia Page)

i really hope we have the option to upload our own emblems, ontop of a ingame emblem creation tool

Well. Originally i thought about this. But uh… I have played a couple games which allowed the players to upload their own emblems, such as Ragnarok and Archeage. And i lost the count of how many penis/rude gesture/porn actress emblems i’ve seen… :confused: It kinda makes the game ugly at some point, and that is why i thought about the in-game creation thing. It is limited, of course. And there may be duplicated emblems (but then again, there would be duplicated emblems even if you could upload your own), yes… But at least it wont be ugly. Nevertheless, it would still be better than nothing.

About the cash idea, i think it’s fitting. Pay x amount and be able to create your emblem / stamp it on your piece of armor.

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IMC can set up a small team to approve Emblems.
Warframe has such, so things that are copyrighted or otherwise disrespectful will not be approved.
The cost to upload is non-refundable, so people tend to not mess around with it.

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That would definetely do it. Nice idea.

now i dont know how limited their resources are but, wouldnt it be ok to have something like a validation process for Emblems then? so they had to pass it before you could use it?
Im not a very technical individual, so i cant really grasp what it would take to implemend something like that though.

or simply report any improper emblems, and smite them.

Also, im not sure that many would bother with improper emblems when it takes some dedication to even create a guild to begin with.

EDIT: LaScoot beat me to it~

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Haha yeah. In the games i mentioned above there were no such things. You could report the guild for their offensive emblem but you know, that goes to the support team via ticket and… It takes it’s time to be reviewed. But true, considering that you would need to level all the way to Templar to create a guild, i think a validation process would be quite interresting. It doesn’t take a lot of time to check an emblem and say “ok”. No idea how would they implement it though :stuck_out_tongue:

i agree with the idea, but i think it would be cooler if ti was like old pes, where u can put several diferent emblems to make one, rotete, spin, this kind of thing
but we could aplie a img for the guild too, if there was a guy, who check all imgs aplied, and denied all the “porns” ones
sry for the bad english e.e

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Muito bom mesmo, acho muito ruim se a empresa tiver que aprovar os ícones de upload. Poderiam colocar um sistema para cada emblema ser único/sem copia e mais personalização como rotação da imagem, tamanho, cores, efeitos e mais “moldes” para evitar a repetição.

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I think this is a great suggestion. I personally enjoyed the Guild Wars 2 emblem system. Made a lot of great combinations and rarely seen exact duplicates. Nice idea, Wyrm.

About the other members of guilds with the emblem/tabards, maybe they could use it just during certain events like Guild Battles or even something like WoE(Although i really doubt they will input something like WoE.) It would be nice to see a bunch of players in an closed map representing their guilds.

I really hope IMC read this. As i’ve said before, nice idea, Wyrm.
(For any mistakes with my english, i’m sorry.)

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Thanks for the nice replies guys! I’m here hoping IMC take a look at this haha

own :blue_heart: so pround! that’s why you are the best guild leader :sunglasses:



I like the idea. But i prefer people with freedom to upload their own guild simbols.

The “trolling” is easy to supervise, with some “report” system and good will from “good players”.

My english is just not good… hope you guys understand (if matters :stuck_out_tongue:)


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It looks good idea. Actually, we need a guild system. :smiley:
I will forward this idea to our dev team.


Oh wow! Thanks!!! :DDD

Nice! Go for it, IMC! <3