Tree of Savior Forum

Telsiai Sausys room 9 is ultra lag 5-10 sec delay

Hi, just want the staff to know if they still havent that this map is so laggy, i just post here because i dont know if anyone already report this problem. its also very lag in every town but sausys room 9 is worst.

anyone experience the same?

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I found out that the lag only been caused when multiple monster got hit at the same time with alot multi hit (such as linked monster->bind->damage) thats when the lag happen. Or another situation is Pyromancer flame ground, firepillar. I dunno about other ground/ tiles type skill but all above happen when i run CM with guild mate past few time.

Does the game hang for a moment then starts up again?
Would you mind sending in this information and a video via Support Ticket?

yes it does when you click a skill usually your character is just standing and the damage and animation will show after 5-10 sec, we experience this issue maybe for almost 2 weeks. ill try to record if i can when my cm reset

omg its spreading

anything outside instances /can lag/ terribly at the moment.

It not about hang, it about the lag and delay in the Challenge mode dungeon. Just so that you can experience the problem, Please log in ur gm account and do a run with some people. You can just stand there doing and you can feel the lag/ delay

its not just me but i think every player experience this issue

OMG!! U still dòn know this problem?

Same ULTRA LAGGS in Fedimian Server too. in sausys room 9 and Narvas temple in Challendge mode

seems like a server lag too, my flame pillar last 27 seconds and I know this because after my pillar is gone, there is 3 second left on my flame pillar instead of 20 seconds. I can pretty much perma-flame ground + heavy gravity CM, the problem is that the damage is delayed so it eats CM time.

I would like to request that the following information be sent via Support Ticket so that we can compile the reports and deliver them to our system team.

Similar to [SA] Silute, we’ll need ping test results. Please, please follow the instructions found here. But please send the results via Support Ticket (it makes it easier to also check your in-game account). Make sure you have been playing for over 2 hours before capturing your ping.

We will also need the following information:

  1. Location
  2. Computer Specs
  3. Network status
  4. What addons you were using and/or deleted
  5. What virus protection you are using and/or deleted
  6. When did you first experience the severe lag
  7. What map were you on and the server time

Thank you so much in advance! :cold_sweat:

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