Tree of Savior Forum

Telsiai is a Bitch! [Vote no for F2P because I feel that you are not ready to make it]

First of all Sorry for the name of the topic. I don’t knew wherever our voice will reach IMC staff or not but if it reach we want you to rethink about open Telsiai Server to F2P. Just want to say the quick words after everybody complain you already.

Can you do the vote before you are start the merge? Same as Green light on Steam platform. I do believed that we are pay for you for this game even it was our risk to do so. This week is make me feel better from bottom of the sea but the dream just too short not even fart you already break up my heart by open this serve to F2P

PS. I do agree that it should be F2P but when you are ready not just right now, you just blow the wind back to the fire I don’t want to see IMC burning themselves by put back the commander load fail, bot, overload sever (which is so cheap compare problem from what you earn from us) bla bla bla 

PS2. Can anyone invite me that is it possible to vote the game out from the steam platform? Is question is serious when they ask for a home they are promise a thousand words but once they got home they just blow the home up for a cheap reason.

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UNLESS, IMC fixed all the major issue in this maintenance. Then i don’t see why not, if only they do fix them…

I heard that the new [Sea Serve] are facing the commander load fail, massive of bot, overload server and the problem that we are face before, I don’t understand why they are try to step back when they not even ready, third sea server are maybe the right answer for them I mean for my opinion

Nah. They would have done it already if they can. More red server and longer charging time for some skills.

Never meet Mr.Commander_Load_Fail before, so i’m not really sure… Bots is a serious issue and obviously the server needs an upgrade. I don’t get it, it’s only like 700km away, still getting horrible pings @ 170± when other games which the server also resides in the same country only has pings @ 16ms

They won’t listen to you guys man… They aren’t making any more money from founder’s pack players right now. They have to go f2p to milk some money from new players. Who knows? Maybe new players going to buy silver from gold seller who I think are also the IMC… they been milking us with bot silver too :wink:


I don’t know, those bots are really serious, roaming around in a same path is nothing, but when they still can fly around and hit mobs when they are being sleep by mobs is totally horrifying, it’s hacking level already.

actually bot can do speed hack range hack as well so consider right now this problem so be fix before mess up with open F2P

Oh no! Adding captcha to login screen will severly affect our users gaming experience!
What? Do they log off and login every 10 mins?

I don’t see why you’d have to make another thread when there was another here : Petiton: do not make telsiai open to f2p
with the similar purpose.

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Thank for the info i will move to that post

Agreed. The more I play this game, the more I feel this game has become a milking game. Since early access, no major patch fixing for server stability and bugs. Even a simply bug message in dungeon which appears all the time - “Unavailable at current map”, it still persits in the game. Hopeless.