Tree of Savior Forum

Team transfers to EU and SEA servers complete

Greetings, Saviors!

We would like to announce that the team transfer process to Fedimian (EU server) and Telsiai (SEA server) are now complete. All transfer application tickets have now been answered and those with no transfer restrictions will now be able to access the game through their server of choice.

If you find that your team has not been transferred to your requested server or if you experience any other problems related to the transfer, kindly send us a ticket via our Support page.

Thank you.

IMC Staff


Thank you for everything


ping didnt seem to change. transfered from klaip to eu

Ping won’t change because the EU server isn’t in the EU yet

They did not transfer the server locations just yet, so EU server is still located in US.

ohh okay thank you. i thought it was already moved

My likes didn’t come over ;[

it will move tonight so we can check that tomorrow

Thanks, transfered without problems.

And yea “Like” were lost.
But well not a big deal… for me at least.

Thank you for the hard work :ok_hand:

Hi, my team name is Dyf and i did not get my transfer from Klaipeda to Telsiai. Please assist.

Thank you!

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None token compensations ?

We both know no one likes you.

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So i miss the time to transfer and know i cant get to the EU server?

i think we should make an imc appreciation thread…
this smoothness make me cam

so i cant transfer to eu from klaipeda any more? :frowning:

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Love you :heart_eyes:

So… there is no other way to transfer my team, if I lost the trasnfer period?