Does anyone see any updates about the team storage? I remember that IMC made an announcement about enabling the team storage for non-Token users, but cannot see any progress about this? Actually, I cannot find the post anymore.
Yeah, honestly with all the bugs, bots, and bank fraud team storage is probably pretty low down on their priority list at the moment. Plus they are probably waiting until the other trade-related changes are finished so they can release all the changes together.
Why on earth did you make another topic about this already? The other one was literally right at the top of the list and you had replied to it so you definitely saw it…
oh my god, are we going to have a panic-fest about something EVERY SINGLE TIME?
just relax.
get over it.
besides, they said “LESSEN the restrictions”, not “everyone gets it”.
“everyone should have it” was for 1:1 trading.
“lessen the restrictions” could mean all kinds of things
…more slots
…cheaper expansions
…no ding to the Potential
…no ding to the monthly trade limit
…in game fireworks every time you use it, just to make you feel good
or something i haven’t even thought of.
“available to everyone” does not have to be one of the restrictions they lessen.
it would be nice, sure… but i’d really much rather have the ding to Potential removed, and at least a few more slots added.
just because you can’t -see- the changes doesn’t mean they didn’t happen.
if they weren’t changing anything, they wouldn’t have bothered to shut down the server.
in other news, what you posted has nothing to do with what was being discussed in this topic.
IMC said… we get that Team Storage is important to players, and irrelevant to gold-sellers, so we are CONSIDERING ways to relax the restrictions on it.
the MARKETPLACE update that you posted about has nothing to do with team storage.
not only was that the wrong topic, but the marketplace change is actually highly visible in effect, for anyone that is a new account.
changes to Team Storage would also be highly visible.
non-visible changes are things like adjustments to how login information is transmitted to the server, or how the game loads character models, and so on. the game might do it differently than it used to, but there’s no way for us to see it. all we know is that the game does it somehow.