Tree of Savior Forum

Team Battle League Crash Report

Just few seconds after the fight starts, Team Battle League game crashed!
a window appeared with an option of yes or no. then the game suddenly closed.

same thing is happening for me after the last patch i cant even spectate keeps crashing and crashing channels cant play pvp properly and always get out of the game and lose points and everything…

same thing mate always crashing on pvp …and channels crashing too especially after the last patch cant even spectate games …

this would suddenly appears in my TBL can’t finish the battle.

Did u encounter this kind of crash/ error?

It might be some of the Scout skills as I’ve seen some info about it in this forum.

Holding on Flare Shot for too long (not releasing the button immediately) will cause a crash.

Experienced this in a mission. Lesson learned. Can confirm.

It’s not really the only thing that’s causing the crashes. Rumor has it that PDs using Beak Mask causes crash on all players who sees him within draw distance.