Tree of Savior Forum

Talking a little more about Multi-accounts

“There will be no issues as long as you do not use any third party programs”

this message is crystal clear. idk why this lunar is making his own rules. :laughing:


Given the language barrier, your question (“AFK farming with multiple accounts”) might have been understood as botting with 3rd party programs over multiple accounts.

Unless they properly state in their tos or eula that manually running multiple accounts over different computers is not allowed, I don’t feel like bashing people for that.

Also, take into account that if Valve allows multiple accounts, they can’t deny people to use them.

They have been already reported. But Fedimian is God’s forgotten server (it took months to ban part of a blatant bot army, reported with several videos).

No, they should not, but there is no announcement yet, tos and eula do not prohibit neither and the answers are too vague.
Considering that this game is advertised as “Vac protected”, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for one.

I already said it.

Vaca’s ticket too don’t even have direct answer to the issue, only “don’t use 3rd party software” which may only refer to “macro/bot” and they might not have understood the “private army” part.

My post few pages ago:

Agreed. Once they make an announcement about it honest players won’t do so. If they allow, I’m wrong and that’s it.

I guess we should agree on not bashing as well not supporting it either, at least until we get the announcement, right?

Do you have any idea to make a proper ticket question that won’t get misunderstood or ambiguous answer so we clear the issue once and for all? Or know anyone who can write a ticket in korean?

You can ask something like that: “I have two steam accounts, on two computers. Is it allowed to play on both at the same time using two pads?”

That should clear multiple clients.

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How is that different from my question? .-.

Lol this is December 2015 all again. Blind knights still at it.



Cant believe people still feeds the rabbits.


I already told you why your question is ambiguous. To quote myself:

Anyway, I can’t help you more than that.

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@TheAlleyCats vs @LunarRabbit

So uhm this is now a legit cat fight? kakaka


By the way I am writing the ticket using your tip and reasoning why it is different than mine.

Is this good enough?

Is it allowed for one player alone to login and use multiple accounts by himself at the same time for Tree of Savior for playing, farming or other purposes?

Don’t need excuse when there is no enforcement lol, if morals matter and everyone obeys the rules why the police exist? You live in some fantasy land?

There is nothing players can do, it is up to IMC to enforce their own rules, you cannot expect everyone to obey rules that is not going to happen, IMC must force them to obey the rules

But we need rabbit or there will be no TOF! :fork_and_knife:

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Also, to make it clear, “why is it different than mine.” that I asked to you, it is as much as ambiguous as “AFK farming” being read as botting.

  1. Pads can be misunderstood by korean people:

  2. As dumb as it sounds, you have multiple phrases which may lean them to answering only to “multiple accounts” instead of focusing on same owner/player doing so.

So you assume you are only honest when the rules are enforced, otherwise you cheat?

Wut I thought you guys already got the answer?

Multi-account = ok according to Valve
ToS account is tied to steam account. If Valve says ok, that means multi-account is ok for ToS.
Multi-account for play/farm/afk farm = No but punishment not mentioned
Multi-account afk farm = will be banned

In short, you can have as many account as you want. It depends on what you do. IMC wont bother if you made an account to spend more money. Anything to do with afk farming is bannable offense. Anything other than afk farming is up to you to decide whether it is ethical since IMC cant detect anyway.

How did this thread end up with almost 160 posts…


so we can multibox on tos? not that I would. it’s annoying trying to control more than 1 char. I just wish that the people in charge would say something rather than ask for you to submit a ticket.


the only mistake mergen did is play on same server as some


is allowed w/o third party program


then afk farm + multi-account = result

allowed + deny = deny
deny + allowed = deny
deny + deny = deny
allowed + allowed = allowed


Multi-account not at same time = allowed
Multi-account at the same time = deny

Multi-account at same time + AFK farm = deny

So you are saying I’m the bad guy for reporting the cheater? o.o

“No, not usually. Game publishers avoid approving or endorsing specific multiboxing software, because they don’t control the software to make sure it keeps following their rules.”
“So, to avoid an awkward situation, game publishers will not explicitly allow any particular multiboxing software, but will say that generally multiboxing software is okay as long as you follow the game’s EULA and/or Terms of Service.”
“Unfortunately, this ends up putting game publishers’ customer service in an awkward position, as there are often posts on their forums (even on a daily basis) asking specifically whether ISBoxer is allowed. These posts always beget the same response, which is that they don’t approve or endorse any particular solution, and the customer service rep has to awkwardly dance around the issue instead of flat out saying “No we are not currently banning anyone for using ISBoxer”.”


but being high morality , some people just wont accept that fact.


my statement means its mergen badluck for playing in that server.


Multiple-accounts covers not only multi-boxing but also multiple computers. It varies by company and company and by game and game, same rules aren’t applied elsewhere.

Example of same game, different region:
jTOS = AFK not allowed in any way

So bad luck = cheater and got caught instead of got gud?

mergen badluck for being too high profile engaged with another player.

999 afk farm multi account in your server, but mergen got it.