Tree of Savior Forum

Talking a little more about Multi-accounts

is allowed w/o third party program


then afk farm + multi-account = result

allowed + deny = deny
deny + allowed = deny
deny + deny = deny
allowed + allowed = allowed


Multi-account not at same time = allowed
Multi-account at the same time = deny

Multi-account at same time + AFK farm = deny

So you are saying I’m the bad guy for reporting the cheater? o.o

“No, not usually. Game publishers avoid approving or endorsing specific multiboxing software, because they don’t control the software to make sure it keeps following their rules.”
“So, to avoid an awkward situation, game publishers will not explicitly allow any particular multiboxing software, but will say that generally multiboxing software is okay as long as you follow the game’s EULA and/or Terms of Service.”
“Unfortunately, this ends up putting game publishers’ customer service in an awkward position, as there are often posts on their forums (even on a daily basis) asking specifically whether ISBoxer is allowed. These posts always beget the same response, which is that they don’t approve or endorse any particular solution, and the customer service rep has to awkwardly dance around the issue instead of flat out saying “No we are not currently banning anyone for using ISBoxer”.”


but being high morality , some people just wont accept that fact.


my statement means its mergen badluck for playing in that server.


Multiple-accounts covers not only multi-boxing but also multiple computers. It varies by company and company and by game and game, same rules aren’t applied elsewhere.

Example of same game, different region:
jTOS = AFK not allowed in any way

So bad luck = cheater and got caught instead of got gud?

mergen badluck for being too high profile engaged with another player.

999 afk farm multi account in your server, but mergen got it.


So even you agree that it isn’t allowed. ( ! )

"It is a very simple business decision for MMO publishers. Blizzard, Daybreak Games, Turbine, CCP, Trion Worlds and others simply want two things:

  1. To make money
  2. To have as many people as possible play, and enjoy, their games

That is the very essence of their business, and that is why their rules exist in the first place. They prohibit you from harassing other players for example because it prevents those players from enjoying the game, and makes it harder for the company to meet the two goals above. If you are botting or hacking, then other players will feel cheated and the game is less enjoyable for other players. Everyone knows that if a game is full of cheaters, nobody wants to play it.

But running a gestapo isn’t what game publishers are all about! They want you to play and enjoy the game, just like everyone else. That is, until you have a negative effect on the above equation.

As a multiboxer, they know that you are paying extra money to play their game, and this makes you a valuable customer – especially if you are also getting others to play or even multibox. Just remember that when you are multiboxing, other players will tend to pay more attention to what you are doing – out of sheer curiosity – than what another random person is doing. This means that being a good citizen is extra important! If you are multiboxing and being a good citizen, then the game publisher has absolutely no reason to ban you. If you are multiboxing and being a complete jerk, you should expect trouble."


In a summary. You are saying that cheating is ok as long you are paying and have excuses or hide yourself?

“As a multiboxer, they know that you are paying extra money to play their game, and this makes you a valuable customer”

"But I’ve heard that
"Third Party Software is not allowed!"
First of all, that is wrong regardless of the game being discussed. It’s impossible to play any PC game without using any “third party software”. The game itself relies on third party software, such as Windows and DirectX. It is a common misunderstanding of the terms set forth in a game’s EULA/ToS/ToU. “Third Party” does not imply that you are doing anything wrong. All it means is that the software does not come from the First or Second parties, which are the game publisher (e.g. Blizzard) and you. In our case, I am the Third Party. Both Blizzard and Sony Online Entertainment have either explicitly or implicitly allowed software that I provide: WinEQ 2 and EQPlayNice have been staples of EverQuest multiboxing for several years, and Woody from GUComics got an answer long ago, directly from John Smedley, saying that they would not ban for using EQPlayNice; A few years ago, Blizzard inadvertently banned WinEQ 2 users, but then reverted those bans and gave the players 2 days on their subscription time to make up for the mistake (similar to what happened when Blizzard inadvertently banned Linux players). Clearly, “Third Party Software” is allowed, as long as it abides by the rules set forth in the EULA/ToS/ToU.

There are other types of software that are also allowed. Some other common examples include video recording software (e.g. FRAPS), voice chat software (e.g. Ventrilo), even in-game instant messaging software (e.g. X-Fire, though note that if you try to use X-Fire in-game features with ISBoxer you may experience a performance hit)."


muh cubes. where to draw the line? is a mouse with 17 buttons cheating? that is an unfair advantage over others. what about people who can talk to their friends with voice chat? that is an unfair advantage as well.

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@LunarRabbit I can counter all your arguments with 1 webpage
thx @Noxot

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not everyone has guild members and friends to assist them. i’m a victim of extrovert privilege. being a loner is hard. all them groups of people think they can just push me around with their fancy “team work”… acting like they are better than me cause they are in a party! stealing my hunting area because “we gettin exp lol gitgud”. ,|, your we. i’m a we too. just one body but we can’t help that.

what do people have against multiboxers? they are jealous, that is all. why? dominance hierarchies are millions of years old and you get mad that the rare loner would get an advantage over you “team players”! grr.

hail satan.

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im just saying

“if no player report, afk farming multi account wont face any problem.”

in another sense, IMC is being reactive and act based on popular demand.

while on the topic “fair and honest”,
why is Buff still selling at 800k in fedimian city?


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May explain one by one?

  1. I said 3rd-party software isn’t cited anywhere.
  2. I said that the specific types of software that aren’t allowed are in the EULA.
  3. I said about multi-client which covers more than multi-boxing.
  4. I said that it is not allowed to login on Tree of Savior with more than one account by yourself.

Your arguments:

  1. Off-topic about non-IMC and not about Tree of Savior.
  2. About 3rd-party software which is out of the scope of my argument.

May we go back to the main topic of discussion:
Is it cheating to login on Tree of Savior with more than one account by yourself?



i want to know what this rabbit is smoking

some quality good i see



is having more than one team to get more shards and cubes fair? I don’t think it is but then again a person can have as many chars on their team as they want.


[quote=“VacaOverpower, post:171, topic:350054, full:true”]
“As a multiboxer, they know that you are paying extra money to play their game, and this makes you a valuable customer”

"But I’ve heard that "Third Party Software is not allowed!"First of all, that is wrong regardless of the game being discussed. It’s impossible to play any PC game without using any “third party software”. -snip- Both Blizzard and Sony Online Entertainment have either explicitly or implicitly allowed software that I provide: WinEQ 2 and EQPlayNice have been staples of EverQuest multiboxing for several years. -ni - Clearly, “Third Party Software” is allowed, as long as it abides by the rules set forth in the EULA/ToS/ToU.[/quote]

This translates your last three posts:

@Noxot yes, multiple account for shards and cubes are fair, as long you do your Saalus runs in each account logged in different times! Not at the same time!

u cant say lunnarrabbit is wrong
if lunnarrabbit dont wanna admit to it

why only report mergen? theres still 998 afk farming multi account out there

clearly, your report have a personal agenda/grudge to the person instead of the whole high-and-mighty fairness and agaisnt-cheating

(i remember theres a report a 1swash+4fireball farming bot, but nothing done to that report)