Tree of Savior Forum

Talking a little more about Multi-accounts

“If you use them at the same time, not. If you have multiple-accounts but don’t login them at same time, allowed.”

That’s where we agree, tickets will just give answers based on the question and you’re asking what you want to be answered.

I’ll just cite @VacaOverpower. If you don’t consider support tickets valid you should also not consider Vaca’s ticket as valid.

We need GM/STAFF announcement on the issue to shut up me and everyone with a proper answer. No point in extending discussion at this point.

Once we have a proper announcement, even if they don’t enforce the rules on every map and channel, honest players will know what they should do or not do.

ah yea you need full evidence such as vid for them to “detect” bots. :smirk:

Sure but what’s the difference between you being in two accounts or being in one and your brother in another? How will IMC distinguish?


We need to specify scenarios to do so, for each scenario there are ways of checking which may or may not require GM interaction. I already gave some ways to check in this thread:

But IMC may lack man power for rule enforcing. But again, once they make it clear on what is allowed or not, honest players will know what to do or not do.

Sure, but in AFK situation is impossible.

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  1. Login time patterns.
  2. GM observation.
  3. Other details.

This player was banned after the reports:

I’ll leave the question for you: Think you were caught for using multiple-account, how can you prove to IMC the detection was a false positive and you were not using multiple-accounts at the same time?

You accused him of RMT

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I reported him for both things:

  1. Using multiple-accounts for any purpose, such as AFK farming.
  2. Buying other’s player items and accounts with real life monetary transaction.
  1. Login patterns can be manipulated: You can log in acconts randomly.
  2. GM observation = ???
  3. ???

This case was easy to notice, but we can make everything more dificult by using different parties and channels


I already gave my opinion about this:

Would you do that even if IMC states in an official announcement that it isn’t allowed and considered unfair silver gain and against the rules?

lmao I told you this is just common sense, no need for clarification xD.

how in anyway you find playing in 2 different computers cheating when there is no 3rd party program involved?lol

nobody wins against lunar. no reason to argue with him.

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im too lazy to cheat in this game

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If it is common sense then we have two opinions which are common sense.

If there’s no need for clarification what is the point of @VacaOverpower starting this topic?

There’s no need for 3rd party programs to use two accounts at the same time. With a proper announcement of what is allowed or not, honest players will follow that.

If you get an official announcement saying that using multiple-accounts at the same time (as in, same player controlling all of them) is allowed you win! If not…

You know this hat is what every player wants…

Lol how cute xDDD oh well keep thinking that Im banned :slight_smile:



We can clearly see your face right now



XDDD yes im crying right now lol
@haukinyau1 lol this is fun

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@STAFF_Max @STAFF_Yuri we need for clarification

I feel like multi accounting in ToF to spam more likes to this post of yours…I guess it’s allowed in here? :V (Sorry, I had to.)


I need you to sit here and think about how stupid this sounds.

So if I play ToS on 2 PCs at once, it’s illegal.

But if I plop my grandmother in front of one, suddenly it’s A-OK

Unless Mr Kim is going to start swinging by our houses to check, I don’t see why anyone should care about this

IMC can barely handle 3 lines of patch note text without screwing up, but you want them to start doing detective work

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