Tree of Savior Forum

Synergy build with RC / Sorc / enchanter


I’m looking to build something with sorc / RC / enchanter

As you can cast run of giant then ride your summon I willing to think you can create something good however once you’re riding lighting hand isn’t effective anymore :confused:

what build did you manage to create during the event with one of theseclasses ?

Pyro2 - Thauma3 - Sorc1 - Enchanter2, I recommend it.

Full SPR or Full INT ? I guess the DPS will be the same in anyway XD

This build must go DEX & SPR, because Sorc summon scale on SPR (+0.3% damage per 1 SPR). SPR will also buff your thauma buffs. Thauma buffs will buff you and your party. DEX is for attack speed for Lightning Hands. Recommend 120 or 160 DEX (total), rest SPR.

Pyro2 is for free enchant fire for lightning hands, and fire pillar is a 10s Stun on enemies as CC. Enchanter2 enchant earth will let your sorcerer summons Block attacks.