Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman sprint

Just an easy and simple suggestion, what about adding a separate keybind to activate sprint ?

It’s really annoying to hammer your keyboard all day long because a mob hit you, the game lagged or something else.

  • We want Sprint key !
  • I like trains !

0 voters

I know it already has been proposed months ago, but it fell into oblivion so …
Can we run freely @moderators ?

There is maybe tens of posts like this, specially from people like me who suffers with lag and lose the sprint to any new lag that happens.
I desire for you luck on this achievement, I will like it very much if it happen, while I think its very unlikeable they do something about it.

how do you activate it in mouse mode i wonder?

same as keyboard, you double tap that W (or Z for Azerty keyboard)

jesus…that sucks


you should change the 2nd poll option to “i like snails” btw

And this is why I play on a gamepad, my keyboard is already dying from me playing sidescroll action games. :confounded:

1 Like

I doubt this will be implemented. This is IMC we’re talking about. Hell we even have multiple threads about pyro’s fireball to have an attribute to avoid being knocked back and it is still not implemented. Fucking incompetent company.



Can I request something too?

For Corsair 's DWA. I need only normal att for DWA ,Can it? haha