Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman New Class Suggestions And Attribute Rework

Hello IMC and TOS Community.

I’m looking to improve the rather bland flavoring of Swordsman classes as I see them with a few suggestions.


I find a lot of classes lack additional attributes or really, Passive skills that set them apart from each other. Additionally, Swordsman attributes seem rather weak in my opinion as they don’t add anything that skills wouldn’t do themselves save for a few effects. Some attributes I’d recommend:

1-Handed Sword Mastery - While a 1-HS is equipped, damage increases by 1% and attack speed is increased by 1% per level up to a max of Level 15. (All Swordsman classes)

2-Handed Sword Mastery - While a 2-HS is equipped, damaged increases by 1.5% and Crit damage is increased by 3% per level up to a max of Level 15. (Highlander, Barbarian, and Doppelsoldner)

Focus - Increases accuracy when a melee weapon is equipped by 5% per level up to a max of Level 5. (All Swordsman classes)

Rigid Guard - Blocking an enemy’s attacks has a small chance to stun them for 1.5 seconds. (Peltasta and Rodelero)

Spike Defense - Being attacked while having a shield equipped has a chance to return 50% damage back to the attacker. (Rodelero - This class needs some SERIOUS rework)

Assault Guard - Blocking an enemy’s attacks confers a buff to your own attack by 20% for 5 seconds. (Peltasta and Rodelero)

Berserker’s Charge - If targeted by more than 2 enemies, attack increases by 10% by each additional enemy targeting you up to a max of 6 enemies. (Barbarian)

Backbreaker - All attacks from behind an enemy have increased Critical Hit chance and Base Damage by 5% up to a max level of 6. (All Swordsman classes)

Momentum - With a shield equipped, 25% of defense adds to attack. Increases by 5% per level up to a max level of 3. (Rodelero).


The fun part. I find that it seems a bunch of the new classes which for now are speculation at best, neglect other aspects of the Swordsman ranks. Even the current classes don’t do their best to focus on certain weapon types or maximize defensive and utility based roles of Swordsmen. What I propose adding in on top of the coming classes:

DUELIST - Would be interesting to see a semi-evasive DPS class that focuses on 1-handed swords and debuffs rather than Rapiers. Perhaps to bridge that illusory gap between Corsair and Fencer as well as create more build diversity.

Rank 8

Characteristics - Red class icon featuring 3 swords and a skull. Utilizes multiple tricks, a few debuffs, fast attacks, and enhanced dual wielding to take down an opponent. Has an elite focus on One-handed Swords but gains the ability to utilize a second SWORD in their off-hand with a small penalty.

Level 1 Attacks:

-Sand Toss(Earth) - Sends silicon and dust particles at a high velocity cone in front of you to deal heavy damage and cause Darkness for 15 seconds.

-Falling Moon(Slash/Dark) - Launch a 3-stage attack with your weapon with an enhanced chance to critical hit and cause slowness. After the last hit, gain a buff which increases evasion by 10%. ATTRIBUTE ENHANCED BY AGILITY.

-Swingline(Slash) - Slash your weapon sideways in a straight line emitting an oblong, purple shockwave which hits enemies in an arc in front of you multiple times. Further levels increase the size of the wave and increase the amount of hits.

-Switchout(Pirece) - Stab your opponent’s head and then jump back by 2 tiles. Causes Unbalanced for 20 seconds and increases your evasion by 15%. ATTRIBUTE ENHANCED BY AGILITY

-Heretic Cross(Slash/Poison) - Hit your opponent twice with powerful slashes which cause poison. The debuff lasts for 15 seconds and causes an explosion for 2x weapon damage upon lifting of the poison effect.

-Lethality - Grants Evasion +30%, Crit Damage + 30%, and HP Regen UP for 40 seconds.


-1 Handed Sword Veteran - Your alignment with your sword has increased your efficiency. Gain an additional 5% bonus damage and 2% crit rate per level to a max of 3.

-Dual Sword - Gain the ability to wear a second 1-handed sword in your off-hand. Skill damage while wearing a sword in your off-hand increases by 30% but initial damage of your off-hand weapon is limited to 70%. Leveling this attribute increases the amount of damage your off-hand weapon deals by 5% to a max level of 5.

-Near Miss - Permanently increases evasion by 3% and movement speed by 3. Raising this attribute increases both by 3 to a max level of 5.

RONIN/SWORDMASTER - Since we have Shinobi, it only makes sense to have another class of Eastern descent. Would bring “Katanas” into the game…or would require a different type of 2-handed sword.

Rank 7

Characteristics - Blue class icon featuring 2 katanas crossed over a cherry blossom. Utilizes a series of counters, self-buffs, incredibly fast attacks, and group block-boosting measures. Has access to many elemental-based attacks but with lower damage than other classes of a similar rank. Gains many gap closers and short-range teleports. Utilizes Katanas which would deal less damage than 2-handed swords but with an innate crit rate, block rate, and also deal Piercing damage.

Level 1 Attacks:

Flowing Fang(Ice) - Readies your weapon for the next 5 seconds and retaliates a physical attack with a counter that does your attack + skill dmg + attacker dmg. Freezes the attacker for 3 seconds and causes bleeding for 10 seconds. Leveling this skill increases the ready time-window. ATTRIBUTE ENHANCED BY CONSTITUTION

Solemn Gale(Wind/Pierce) - Slash your opponent 4 times with quick strikes and leave them under a “Solemn” debuff. They will not be able to cast magical attacks for 10 seconds and any additional damage taken will cause an additional 10% damage. ATTRIBUTE ENHANCED BY AGILITY

Thunder God Fang(Electric/Pierce) - Strike down with a powerful smash of lightning that hits surrounding opponents 3 times, leaving them stunned for 2 seconds.

Severance(Dark/Pierce) - Slash your sword horizontally at high speeds, launching a thin but powerful vacuum of dark energy. Extends up to 10 tiles in front of you. Targets hit by this while Bleeding will take double damage.

Transcendence - Increase Block rate and movement speed for yourself and your party by 30%.

Savage Flare(Fire/Pierce) - Convert your mass into fire particles and arrive at your target with a powerful upward slash. Lifts targets and causes them to burn for 10 seconds. Targets hit with another debuff while Burning from Savage Flare will have the Burn effects extended for 3 seconds each. ATTRIBUTE ENHANCED BY STRENGTH

Draw Stance - Lower your center of gravity and sheath your weapon. Increases Block Rate by 10%, Crit Rate by 20%, Evasion by 10%, and Defense by 15, but reduces attack speed for 40 seconds. Duration and attributes affected increase based on level.


Katana - Able to equip Katanas and manually block with them.

Katana Mastery - While a Katana is equipped, block rate and critical hit chance are increased by 5% to a max of level 3.

Stalwart Swordsman - While a Katana, One Handed Sword, or Two Handed Sword are equipped, CONSTITUTION increases attack by a factor of .75 per point of Constitution.

Fierce Guard - Blocking opponent’s attacks with Manual guard will extend their stagger time and confer a chance to drop their attack by 20% for 5 seconds.

As a secondary note: You guys at IMC are doing a lot right with this game - My suggestions are simply to improve what I see can be fixed.

I’d certainly be interested in hearing community opinions as well.

With All Due Respect,

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Rogue already has Feint btw. Feint gives 50-150% evasion penalty to opponents.

If this gets implemented, it’ll end up as rank 8 or above, as rank 7 already have Templar, Dragoon, with Shinobi (hidden class that is accessible to replace rank 7 classes).

As for Duelist, I think we will have Matador to cover that role.

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Ah, thanks for the backup. I also just realized my typo.

Hopefully - We will see what Matador has to offer; doesn’t seem we know much at the moment.

The problem with the current Swordsman is they are very weak in late game PvP.

  1. Their stun, bleed, can be resisted later on by Clerics.
  2. Considering Swordsman is a melee class that is vulnerable to almost everything, they are easy prey for Wizard’s crowd control skills and some Clerics and Archers.
  3. Swordsman will have a bad time fighting against PvP Archers that can utilize Cloaking from Scout.

If we want to suggest a new Swordsman class, it’d be better if we can have some crowd control skills that are powerful, or at least some kind of resistance or even damage reduction or even chance to nullify damage. Swordsman already has too much DPS.

I think at a MINIMUM, they could at least give the Shield classes a passive to resist certain CC. It’s pretty ridiculous the only Swordsman skill that can ignore magic damage is Slithering from Rodelero…and the description doesn’t even say anything about it which is BS.

Yes, and Peltasta is so trash that I don’t wanna discuss about it. Their defensive skills are sucks. The bonus physical defense doesn’t give much impact while the damage penalty is really a big turnoff.

As for Rodelero’s Slithering, it’s not like the enemy will just stand there and watch Rodelero comes after them. That’s the big flaw.

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@staff_j Curious where you weigh in on this.

Is their any gap closers or immunity to damage flinching for swordsman?

Hoplite has Long Stride, but you must aim it first, which is very risky and makes you completely vulnerable.
Cataphract has Trot which gives tons of bonus movement speed. Cataphract is still viable in 1v1 PvP if you caught the enemy off guard. As for team PvP, Cataphract does a good job. But we should assume that the enemy isn’t that stupid either to let Cataphract comes closer.

So the conclusion is, Swordsman still have a chance in team PvP, but not a chance in 1v1 PvP against classes besides Swordsman itself. This makes Swordsman very dependent in their party in PvP.

You guys COMPLETELY underestimate a hybrid Rodelero. This class will trash any in PvP so long as it can get close in and God forbid it took up Barbarian before going Rodelero. Those stuns + manual block + a magical block ability and the ability to move all your stats to the right will eradicate anyone in PvP.

The issue is there aren’t a lot of Rodeleros and they never really go C2 which is where they shine. They also all take up Peltasta before going Rodelero which is a re-tart-id decision.


you can get close

Stuns won’t work against Oracle’s Prophecy, Plague Doctor’s Bloodletting & Beak Mask.

Your attacks will never touch Priest’s Stone Skin & Monk’s Iron Skin & Cleric’s Safety Zone.

You won’t be able to get close to Paladin because of Barrier, Chronomancer because of Haste, Cryomancer because of Gust, Archer because of Heavy Shot, Quarell Shooter because of Stone Shot, Scout because of Cloaking.

You won’t be able to kill Bokor with Mackangdal, Priest with Revive, Monk with Golden Bell, Cryomancer with Subzero Shield.

When you use Slithering, your enemies can just easily run away and keep their distance. When the Slithering’s duration ends, Wizard classes like Psycokino-Cryomancer-Chronomancer-Linker will rape you with their CC.

If you don’t have DEX, you won’t be able to touch DEX-based build especially fighting against PvP Archer & Rogue that have around 700 points of evasion with Evasion skill lv 5.

I’m sorry…I don’t want to point out all of Swordsman flaws and weaknesses here because it will have bad impact for Swordsman players out there. (It hurts me more as I’m planning to become a Swordsman :sob:)

Believe me, I have tried Rodelero until c3 before. Yeah, sounds good on paper. But in the end, I was just a dummy waiting to be killed. All the skills animation are slow. My worst nightmare was when I fought Priest-Bokor with a shield. He blocked almost all of my hits while he was simply spamming Effigy-Hex to kill me.

May i suggest another duelist class? The classic medieval honor duel one.

This would be the natural progression of fencer 3 and corsair 3 too probably

first atributes:

  • Footwork: allow walking (not running) during attacks

As you can imagine fencer has a small hitbox, it would make things a bit easier for then.

  • Pistol mastery: allow the use of pistols

  • Bullet penetration (bleeding chance): when shooting enemies you have a 10~50% chance to cause bleeding.

Pretty high chance is for combos… though we need more combos right now.

  • Rapier conservation: rapier durability will decrease 30% less.

Probably still not enough, but will help.

  • dagger parrying: allow you to block missile, slash, and pierce damage with
    daggers and pistols.

Well, you can do that with daggers in real life, i just decided to include pistols because that’s a alternative. Though i dont know why i decided to put missile there, whatever.

Now, about skills

Thrust assault(pierce): Release a tornado of thrusts while capable dashing.

  • half attack power, double attack speed

  • 3x stamina consumption (2 for the skill 1 for the dash)

  • 5% sp usage per second

Basically a dashing psychic pressure to help rapier users to mob though it could be op with cafrisun. I’m fine with it being op with cafrisun, its for mobbing and leveling anyway.
Focusing on pve side here so… Prob a 3 second limit for pvp or something.

Dust kick: throw dust foward to reveal hidden enemies and reduce crit resistence.

Focus for pvp, but usefull anyway. I thought about another version:

Dust cloud: Create a cloud of dust that distract enemies and hide the user for 3 seconds.

For attribute i’m thinking about something like…

  • imobilize the target for 1 second (maybe 2, i think 1 could be enough for pvp, but you guys know better)

Finesse (required stance: pistol, dagger): Hit the enemy with double attack power using your subweapon. If it kills the target, gain 5% sp(of total)

Fencer is already a expensive class, at least you will be able to regain some sp without burning as much potions. maybe 5% is too little, maybe 10~15%, maybe attribute.

And last but not least (actually least cause i couldnt think anything better):

Debilitating strike (pierce) (yeah, i need a better name for it): a powerful attack that slow enemies. Target become more vulnerable to pierce attacks.

Or a alternative:

Leech: a strike that exposes your target vital structure, leaving it vulnerable to pierce attacks allowing you to inflict and acumulate bleeding damage based on your dex.

I did say damage but i was thinking about pierce skills, though i think corsairs 3 would love the way it is now. I was just thinking that it should acumulate from dex but honestly? A dex + str modificator would be better since it will not break the barbsair dps builds.

Well, i think thats all. I did try to give the option to choose pistol or dagger, it still favor pistols but yeah, i dont think that will be a problem.