Tree of Savior Forum

Swordsman is weak

hi i have swords>pelt>hoptile>cata c3>dragoon
my dragoon good in pvp but i have problem in pve…
in pve i real cant kill monsters at maps lvl 250+…
my friends can kill there easy but my dragoon real cant low dmg and the monsters real strong…

what i can do :frowning:
i cant do quests anymore…
my dragoon lvl 255…
with catacombs pike
i no sure about the ststs u no plays somedays but i think my ststs is
str 250++
con 90 +/-
dex 120

Did you upgrade your attributes? Rush mainly, it’s a very strong skill that should wipe off mobs with high hp.


I think it’s time to invest on a good weapon? What are your gears?

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catacombs pike is no good? i pay too many for that its no low price O.O

my eq is bad i cant get roxana set i no get any box form the wb even i have party…

I mean…a complete list of gears…

For example: What is your weapon upgrade level, what gems do you use, that sort of thing.

The game becomes really punishing past 200 and those additions do matter.

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lvl 255

knight armor
superior infantry leggings
superior infantry gteaves
vube fighter gauntlets

nurse headband with crit atk+39 and phy atk+28
cat ears with crit rate 13 and crit atk38
maple leaf with crit atk 45

neaklace of sloth
zacheriel bangle

+1catacombs pike with GREEN GEM LV4
soon i make lvl 6

my ststs is
str 281
con 91
dex 134

rush lvl 25
gunh ho lvl50
comentrate 50
plate lvl 50

Here’s a list of budget gear you can aim to hunt/buy for now:

Top: Superior Royal Guard Armor - lots of recipes sold at AH/market
Bottom: Superior Royal Guard Pants - lots of recipes sold at AH/market
Gloves: Demonas or Ohgmar Gauntlets - click here to know what monsters drop them
Boots: Superior Greytis Greaves - click here to know what monsters drop them
Bracelets: 2 x Glass Bracelets - can hunt from Lemurs (lv.193 monster) at Downtown or buy from AH/market
Necklace: Superior Guardian Necklace - lots of recipes sold at AH/market

This will give you a good mix of physical and magic defense which should increase your tanking power in high level maps since your build doesn’t really kill mobs quick.

Also, always get Aspersion buff from Pardoner shops.

As you progress, of course you’ll want better gear so for top and bottom you may want the Grynas or Virtov plate set. Both gauntlets and greaves will still be good to 280. As for bracelets, Glad band or sissel. Necklace can be Max Peta.

These are just suggestions though based on my own experience though it may differ a bit with you since I’m Sword C3 (I have longer P. Barrier and stun/slow debuff from Restrain).


well cata is a pvp build to go with swords 3
u should have gone hop 3> doppel> dragoon

cataphract is a pvp build as said before, most pvp builds aren’t strong
try to play a psychokino, or a pd, their pve damage is worse.
Reroll a rodelero 3 shinobi murmilo.
Or a hoplite 3 dragoon c2
some say that doppel 3 is strong too.

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Agreed, Rank 8 classes would be the meta once they come to iToS builds with no r8 would do puny attacks to the new monsters considering they relatively have high hp like 300k++ dragoon c2 might be Considered to be the top sword path for now but once a doppel has reached optimal values with the new weapons and DoV 15 they’ll probably out DPS anyone since they’ll also be able to take advantage of dragoon c2’s serpentine debuff its just all about timing your skills

Like Biskee said,no reason not to have a Max Petamion by now.Farm silver and sell some other stuff if you need to,it’s a valuable boost.

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daamn better sell all your max petas now when they’re still worth something

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I asked one guy selling his Rhevisan Bracelet in Telsiai what the current BO is… 10 freaking M. :open_mouth:

Feels great that even with just 1 piece of the set, I can now Rush straight into a DT-covered warlock (except for max attributed ones) without fear of dying. :smiley:

I wonder if we’ll be getting more of these anti-property 3-piece sets. 75% holy reduc perhaps? Hnnnnnngggggg.

If someone shouted wanting to trade my Max Peta for his Rhevisan Necklace, I’d trade it in a heartbeat. Hehehe

When Dragoon c2 comes out there’s no need to even have anti-dark gear on.
Just burst warlocks down with Dethrone from a screen away without the need to go near.
This way you can invest in crit bracelets instead.

dragoon is not a pvp class and will never out perform lancer and murmilo in pvp.
if you go dragoon c2 for pvp you are doing it wrong
lancer is a class that every single 1 of its skill is for pvp, i’m sure anyone who would want to pvp will not go dragoon c2
in pve however dragoon c2 looks pretty cool.

your build is not meant for solo, its meant for mobbing and tanking
cata3 offer mobility over damage
just get into party, you already have big HP
wear a shield + brandish / maga spear and you’ll be fine
wear 4 plate to get higher HP and damage reduction, coz u have low evasion
and always buy aspersion buff LOL

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We almost exactly the same build …only I get sw2 instead of hop…I am not having any trouble in pve seriously…I can even solo storage and workshop…mobbing 7 to 10 mages their and doing rush…you might not be using the right equips…:thinking:

I m pretty sure soon some people will come in pvp, iron hooking you and dethroning your face, just to show you that following meta builds isn t what tos is all about.

Joke aside, Dethrone works in pvp: it’s a good burst and if you can land it it s still a viable PvP tool.

i hope you are aware that every single lancer skill is somehow useful in pvp.
A dragoon c2 for pvp will probably pick cataphract before, which means a lancer can unmount him
and if he doesn’t pick cata he’ll lose because cata is still the best pvp swordsman.
Besides, iron hook is very easy to dodge with trot just by moving a lot.
You can talk sh1t all you want about meta builds, but meta builds are still the best in pvp and world bosses because frankly they have been tested to be the best.
lancer vs dragoon isn’t about what’s meta but about the fact that lancer simply is a better pvp class.

Lancer is a dedicated PvP class, we got that. It doesn’t mean that it’s a necessity. Lancer is mostly for utility, i don’t see any high dps skills there.
Dragoon2 is a dedicated dps, PvE and/or PvP. If people want to have more burst just tet them be.

I just think both options are viable in PvP. I mean I’m going for Lancer anyways but I’m not stopping people from choosing the other path.