Tree of Savior Forum

Switch to Least Populated chanell

As you change map why not switch to low pop channel? As it is now When I enter a building that has 1 channell, the game will send me to Klaipeda Channell 1 when I go out of it. Which is basically the worst nightmare. Why not make it easier for everyone?


Or better yet, why not just let us stay on the same channel the whole time, rather than changing channels in the first place?

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It is done in such a way by defualt however…
Some maps have only 1 channel, hence it changes to channel 1.

or did you mean 1 channel?
ugh that’s a horrifying thought… you’d get frame dropsfor days and it would be more demanding on everybody including the server. When you enter channell 1 it takes about 20-60 seconds to load initiate and display the world.
When you get connected to lower pop , same action is much more fluid.

If one of your hands can lift 30 kg and other 30kgs , why would you put 60kg load onto a single hand?

I dont get the indication of the channels thouh. Coz when I’m in a channel with just 1 white circle the lag is almost unbearable (5-10 secs delay). But when I moved to yellow circles (2-3), it is waaay better than the latter.

I think the circle thing is not accurate.

I mean something like picking channel 17 at character selection, and staying on channel 17 the whole session, instead of being forced to change channels almost every time you enter a new map. Although, I was unaware that some maps only had one channel.

Well that’s how it’s done right now, but some maps lack additional channels, especially from 70+ Gate of Kings onwards is even more insane laggy than 1-60 areas.

The method you described does not prevent you from going into highly populated channels, even Chanel 17 can get highly populated by an odd chance.

So far 3 days , lag isn’t getting any better , in fact I had much more stable experience day one.