Tree of Savior Forum

Sustainable solution to reduction of bots and gold sellers

Proposal: Community Police.
Who: Every player with a character above lvl 200

Situation: While IMC is working hard to remove botters and gold sellers (And publishing a list too) we all know this isn’t sustainable or actually working much. In Telsiai we log in 99% of the time to a bot or two spamming world chat with their crappy gold selling sentences. It wasn’t that heavy two weeks ago, and that says something.

How it works: Any character above level 200 is allowed to forcefully ban another player should they deem that the player is a bot or gold seller. Of course, every banning must be supported by a RECORDED VIDEO of such activity going on. Otherwise it will be deemed as abuse.
Should IMC decide to do so, a small reward system could be put up. Every maintainence 1TP could be rewarded to each successfully banned bot, just to show appreciation for the work done.
Punishments should also be meted out for blatant abuse; e.g having their banning rights revoked and game sanctions placed on them.


  1. Sustainable. More time and manpower to work on the things that actually matter.
  2. Definitely works, while prone to abuse, punishments to abusing players would be a great deterrant, and probably takes less time than sifting out actual bots.
  3. Keeps everyone happy, for the most part.


  1. Prone to abuse. Let’s face it, there will be some salty people out there or disgusting players who decide to abuse it during world boss raids or other activities. If this happens, just revoke their rights to make the community a better place.

P.S: This is just a brief post, cuz I’m a lazy person. Also this opens up for discussion on how it should work in depth or why it isn’t going to work. Let the discussions begin.