Tree of Savior Forum

Survival Instinct Practice Runs or Unlimited

The event could be fun but it’s limited to 1 try per character (I have 3 tries a day w/o token). I went in, died, and that was it for the day. I can’t progress if the event is too hard and if I can’t learn from my mistakes in the previous runs.

There should be unlimited tries or a practice mode but it only rewards you when you beat the stage. And you can only get the rewards once a day.


I think this is a good idea, for a more ‘‘difficult’’ type of event like this it would definitely reduce player frustration if we were able to at least try repeatably but only get the reward a set amount of times.

Then again I wonder if they’re able to provide us with something like this considering all the instances are limited to set amount/time of something :no_mouth: (and I could see a lot more fail to create instance etc. :disappointed_relieved:)

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