Tree of Savior Forum

Surespell? Necessary?

Was going to make a Wiz3-Link-Sorc-Wl as a DPS type, but still wondering whether I should take Surespell or not, since I don’t know if Sorc nor Wl have long casting skills or not…

it is useful if you have spells that are charged slowly or you need to hold the button for long time…

that been say, it is useless against enemies with knockback…

to be fair I don’t see it been that much use for you, unless you are absent minded or lag a lot and have low fps like me…

your choice in the end…

I would take Wiz 1 > Pyro C2 > Linker C2 > Sorc C2 (C1 is not worth it without Hold and Attack Ground) or Ele C2 > Wl

You don’t need Sure Spell with that setup since all of the spells are instant cast, if you go Sorc you have basically a tank and you can pretty much take your time to deploy your skills.

Surespell is not necessary for Sorc, but it’s necessary for Lock. Anyway, there’s no reason to don’t take surespell if you’re really going into that crazy build anyway, i don’t know if i understood your question, sorry.
Also, if you’re taking wiz3, it’s for quickcast i supose, the only class on your tree that would benefit from quickcast is Lock and w3 magic missiles. It’s a pretty bad class combination, you’re not maximizating any of your classes potentials.

Don’t talk about what u don’t know dear , :kissing_closed_eyes:


Hey there :smile: , in this topic u can find + details about your build

I know what i’m talking about, don’t worry. It’s a bad class combination in any single perspective because you can do better with almost anything. Sorc is the worse class on mage tree. Bad AI from summons, bad damage, no cc, the only reason to get it is for a meat wall, and you’re searching fo dps with wiz3.
Then, you get wiz3 for quickcast, you basically got it for quickcast and magic missiles (will be your main damage skill 200+, including Lock skill set), quickcast is useless for Sorc, and Linker too. You basically wasted 3 ranks. The only reason to get wiz3 is for a dps build, nothing else. If you’re going to make that build, be aware that you’re NOT maximizating any of your classes potentials, don’t be stupid.

And in every map there is at least one type of monster with a displacement skill… :confused:
My old Wiz (dropped for another Wiz build) was Wiz3-Psy and all the time some monster could cancel my PP + SS with a knockback/down/up.

Instant cast skills can still be canceled if you get hit too many times (2 or 3 hits maybe? not sure about the exact number) while the animation is ongoing.

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Only if you are knocked back or down, Sure Spell won’t save you there anyway, it will cancel the deployment, but you can just lay it since the mob will be after you, except ranged ones, but even so, they have a small time gap between attacks that will let you deploy stuff, just close in and press the skill key.

You just need to time right when to not get cancelled.

My Pyro skills get canceled by normal attacks when I am mobbing hard and get caught, not just by displacement. :confused:

I barely have that problem except when i lag (which is 70% of the time LOL), other than that it is when i am facing archers/mages with CC effect on their skills.

Then again, i generally let my Summon take the damage then i lay my skills.

I have Wiz C2 on my Cryo Kino, it helps on normal mob when i am channeling PP, but knockback/down it is an issue.

Other thing is, Sleep get you no matter what.

If you are going this route, get surecast. I have it at lvl4. If i were to reset my skill points, I would remove my 1 point energy bolt to make it lvl 5. But lvl 4 is good enough imo.

Why you need surecast is because, when you get poison or bleeding, you can’t cast spells like sleep or lethargy without getting disrupted. When you get to sorc c2, attack and hold command also get affected when you’re poisoned or bleeding. I haven’t reached warlock yet but surecast is a skill that will come in handy in future. You will never know what comes in rank 8-rank 10.

Are you happy with this setup? What is your role in et?

It was just a suggestion, specially if it is your first char, you want DPS right?

  • With Sorc C2 you can keep dpsing a boss using Hold while you can move around avoiding unnecessary hits, when you have chances you can pretty much lay your skills for a damage burst.

  • linker is good both on field and dungeon, it will help clean stuff fast and it is a good utility for parties, you most likely will be asked for parties most of the times.
    By the way, despite people saying Linker got nerfed and what not, i still don’t feel the nerf they all said, i kill stuff 2-4x faster on linked enemies than when they aren’t linked.

The only issue you will find on Sorc is the SP consumption, it is high with other dps classes, you will be pot dependent.

My build is messed, i did that but i don’t regret:

Wiz C1 > Pyro C2 > Linker C1 > Sorc C1 > Alch C1 > Sorc C2.

I took Alch for pots, Lv 5 SP pot can keep me up 100% as long as i have pots and the utility of being able to make my own pots while in the field is the best, now to fix a bit my build i am waiting for R8 to be unlocked, then i can go Linker C2 or depending on the classes released i might take one of the R8.

As for ET i haven’t reached there yet, i am too low (248), But with Linker you can’t miss much, and pyro will help you on DPS, you can control your summon without a problem.

I am not sure how ET works, not sure if a 10* TS or other summon can handle the damage, even being on 280, so i can’t say you would be able to tank some mob with your summon.

Well I asked this question as my friend is wiz c1 pyro c2 linker c1 sorc c2 right now. We are doing truffles and he is starting to feel useless right now. Gonna reroll something else. So much time and effort going to waste. That is why I ask this.

Yeah if you don’t know how to play your role you will feel useless, i did truffles with my friend musketeer we did well, even when there was groups there leveling, we somehow out damaged the group, she keeps moving around most of the time since her damage output is higher than mine, she end up taking the aggro, but i use Ride when it is safe, position myself and use TS multishot skill, if i have time i use the flame AoE one, dismount and start shoving my pyro skills after link.

One thing tho, if you don’t Lv your attributes by the time you hit 200 you will feel the lack in damage for sure. Mine is 40+ yet but it does well at 240+.

Money is the issue to level your attributes tho.

rank 8, 9, 10 are unknown, maybe they will have some channel skill -> max surespell. It not like the other skill is better

Assuming you’re going wiz 3 anyways (because I’m pretty sure EVERYONE agrees you should never ever go Wiz 2 or above JUST for surespell only), you should always put at least one point into Surespell if you have any casting-time spells whatsoever. Surespell’s cooldown isn’t very long so one point into it can help you get off those casting spells in a pinch. (for example, in the case of the necromancer, flesh cannon is their only casting-time spell and it’s CD is longer than surespell’s, so one point into Sure spell is more than enough to get off a flesh cannon)

Although for classes that have lots and lots of different casting spells, you should probably just max it instead. Spare wiz skill points into other wiz spells is more of a luxury that you can afford to put into Surespell instead, after all.

Sorc1 is fine. Also your build will work well so long as you understand it won’t shine until rank 8 and above.

Glad you brought up maximizing. Maximizing a class and maximizing your character have very different implications. OP is opting for the latter.

As inverses of wiz3 or ele, linker and sorc are two classes that offer heavily diminished returns per rank beyond c1.

Sorc2 control skills are helpful for newer players. Like surespell, they are convenience skills with some situational use. With practice you can learn to make the most of your templeshooter’s leash without these tools.

Higher ranks of linker offer sequentially less links (c2 is only two more links if you’re using a gem) and a gimmick support skill. No change in cooldowns and an inconsequential increases in HK duration. In that sense you can actually maximize your returns by minimizing your ranks of linker.

Why would surespell be necessary for warlock? Theres a slightly longer delay with their instant cast skills yes, but I’ve never had issues with interruption because of it. You don’t have to fully charge evil sacrifice either.

This build is maximized for pve in some smart ways, assuming rank 8 gives him what he needs (dps) and doesn’t leave him hanging.

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You don’t need surespell in that build, I took it just in case rank 8+ has casting spells.


I only took surespell for this build in case rank 8+ brings some casting or channeling spells.


Have you ever played this build? Have you ever played Sorc C2+?

If not you have no idea what you are talking about.

Wiz 3 is a must for DPS classes with or without Ele 3, Ele 3 is the best PvE character indeed but not good on PvP and GvG for example.

Sorc 2 otherwise is VERY good on PvP, Linker 1 too, when it comes to PvP or GvG a good linker can make enormous difference.

Elementalist 3 gives Frost Cloud and Hail for Bosses.

Linker > Sorc 2 gives Joint Penalty, Hangman’s Knot, Summoning, Familiar, Salamion and Servant.

Linker is a beast with Warlock, I melt level 250+ packs of 5 mobs (farming dandel gem now…) in 3 seconds, for average PvE (g party grinding) I obly lose to Ele 3 in terms of DPS and IF the Ele is good, otherwise their Frost Cloud hits very few times before linked mobs explode.

Sorcerer is a good choice for any INT orented build, it’s a constant source of DPS with a scaling much better than most people can understand.

There are Sorcerers C2+ doing earthtower right now, you can use the same skill of a summon 3~4 times a minute with Pass and correct managing of Morph, Ride and Summoning, each of those skills can do 40~60k bursts with something around 5 seconds setup.

Seriously, your statement is vague, in your view only Ele 3 is a useful path for a DPS wizard, I really don’t think game devs would leave it like that until rank 10.


Sorcerer 2 for a good sorcerer is 10 real bats (to me 5 felt like worse than MM) and Ride.

TempleShooter gets stronger but the thing is what Ride provides, basically all Boss’ skills in the game on a 30s cooldown allied with morph.

Hold and AttackGround are skills for bossing and PvP/GvG