Tree of Savior Forum

Surespell? Necessary?

How does templeshooter skills actually work?

Besides the basic attack, there is also some rapid fire, some attack that drops from the sky and a flame attack. Will templeshooter trigger those by itself or must you manually trigger them by some way. And how long are the cooldowns?

No, youā€™re the only here who ever played with a sorcā€¦ lol

Never said anything about wiz3 ele3. Can you show me where i said it?
What i said:

You made me laugh so hard, are you playing against what? Monkeys?

Nice, 3 very usefull skills, youā€™re almost convincing me

Never said otherwiseā€¦ hm

Please, show me where i said it


All this hatred for just 1 topic? :smirk: , someone touched ur weak part or what?



Most people who complain about Sorcerer havenā€™t played with it yet so I was just asking you. Now plase tell me, what is your Sorcerer build and itā€™s current level? Also as you are saying the build have no synergy, please tell me the one that you thought was better, I have done serious calculations regarding this and I can tell you and from your bold statements I can see you barely understand this gameā€™s math.

If you want to make the best out of Wiz 3 for PvE DPS Ele 3 would be the only choice since both Pyro and Kino 3 have mostly bad spells. If you werenā€™t even saying that then what were you? Were you simply trash-talking about a build you havenā€™t played? Can you really say which build is bad and which is not on a 10-rank based game with only 7 ranks available?

About Sorcerer on PvP: I will duel you any day of the week if you are playing on Silute. You asked if I was playing with monkeys? Because you thought Sorc 2 is good for PvP because of Summoning only? Maybe you are the monkey because Iā€™ve won almost 100% of my duels. You donā€™t understand how good Familiar (take most CC and damage for you) and Ride (TS takes no CC, cuts channeling spells and you can use his skills while frozen or stunned if already mounted) can be when used for defensive purposes.

Iā€™ll give sorc2 that. Iā€™ve had the chance to try Ride -it is strong. What bothers me about the Ride+Morph mechanic is that when doing the math people usually dont factor in 2 things:

  1. character skills disabled - can effect rotation
  2. TS regular attacks disabled - should be subtracted from Ride+Morph damage

I see the potential for setbacks when relying on Ride and Morph, at least once rank 8+ skills are introduced. While it can buy time for longer cooldowns, it can also cause disorganization in managing higher priority skills. Not every build will have to worry about this I understand, though it is another thing to be aware of before committing to higher circles of sorc.

Good luck man, its sure to be great with your sorc build.

Iā€™m a FF player, Sorc was my first combination with FF. Stoped at lvl 228, like, many months ago.

It wasnā€™t. My point on the whole post is: No Sorc build will be better than any other combination if you choose wiz3 path.

Youā€™re upset because i said Sorc is shi.t tier? Please, donā€™t be.

Are you saying your build is better than wiz3 kino3 lock?

I can. Right now, Sorc sucks if not used only as a meat shield and anything else is way better. Whatā€™s comming next i canā€™t say, and you canā€™t too.

I actually tried to play on Silute, sadly i canā€™t. Maybe when they fix the constant dc issues and bugs that donā€™t let me even connect i can try again. If you want to play with me, you can create a account on ktos using a proxy, then you will see how well your sorc works on pvp.
Anyway, you did a great job explaining the build, if i could choose between any sorc build i would certainly choose yours.