Tree of Savior Forum

Support Wiz after R10

Okay, so I’ve been playing a Wiz2/Linker2/Thaum3/Ench2 for a while, full SPR for support. Trying Linker3 as my R10, but I’m not sure it’s really the way to go.

For full support, what makes more sense for R10? Ench3? Something I’m totally missing?


Wiz2/Linker 3 /Thaum3/

huh how u can play linker without circle 3 :smiley: circle 3 is a must imo :slight_smile: spirit shock and lifeline are too good!

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like how everyone played linker before spirit shock even existed duh.

Well… with sorc1 you get five buffs from the cat and a good boss to make of meat shield or even to deal good damage with this spr build.

I was thinking, does salamion heal minions of other players in party? If so, it could be also a healer to sorcnecro and bokor3, it would fit nice in a support concept.

Besides that, why don’t you consider chrono 3?

JP was too good back then, then it got nerfed, then nerfed some more and then again. Only then they have added Spirit Shock to facelift the class.

Chrono3 isn’t bad; I used to roll it before the Cryo rework. It’s more that it would require nixing classes I mostly like, in favor of something different. If there wasn’t an event tied to the reset vouchers, I’d probably do more experimenting.