Tree of Savior Forum

Support the Adventure in the Game

the game is going on way farming and no more
no adventure at all
in the old day (7 months ago) we would go to Residence of the Fallen Legwyn Family to farm silver and go to dalhan and search for other hiding event in the game like thief key etc (exploration) and meeting new friends in the game in the way
now thief key every 30min , dalhan every 6h , Residence of the Fallen Legwyn not give that much silver
instead you support dina bee = 6 channel and the AFK farming nothing to really enjoy in the game (kill to get what ever you want you don’t need to think or enjoy ,you are a Machine or a bot in Human size)
i don’t say don’t support normal farming but we need to play not to work
support Hiding Quests and the event maps give better rowrd form them
lower the buff of the world boss and make a deffrint buff for every boss in the game
the game farming is going high so the hiding event must too
most of the time you are making update making the events harder and i see that is very not right to do
now the game is leveling and farming only

what i said is a example for much more things in the game

if you support what i say plz just reply UP !