Tree of Savior Forum

Support and sell build! Cleric>Priest>Pardoner

On the iCBT 2, I have made a support guide that is pretty decent to have in a party and later on, could sell the buffs upon reaching rank 6.

Here is the post about that :-

After playing through the iCBT2, I decided to make a few changes in the skill distributions. I’m still sticking to Cleric>Priest C3>Pardoner C2>undecided 7th rank, but with minor skill distribution changes.

Here is my new build :-

Notable points are as follows :-
1.Only 1 point in Aspersion.

  • to make more room for Mass Heal and Blessing. I find that although Blessing is shorter in duration and has a hit limit, it still sells pretty darn well compared to Aspersion. 1 point in Aspersion grants 20% increase in p.defence which should suffice.

  • however, depending on how the game goes, I might reset the skills and put more points in Aspersion rather than Blessing.

2.Allocate full points to Resurrection and 5 points to Revive.

  • back in iCBT2, we had the luxury of using iCoins(TP as they are called now) to quickly resurrect on the spot upon dying. I think that won’t be the case on this launch. People die a lot on higher levels and having low cooldown on Resurrect is probably the best. Same goes for Revive.

3.I’m still not sure what higher levels of Simony does so I’m giving it less priority right now until I am.

  • I’ve read somewhere that higher levels produces higher level of scrolls but when I tested that out, makes no difference(in the iCBT2 at least). If someone know what it does, please feel free to tell me.

4.I’m not sure what class will I go for the 7th rank. I was thinking going for cleric to increase the potency of the Heal skill or going for Chaplain. Which brings me to wonder, are the buffs that Chaplain have able to be sold on Spell Shop?

As per stat distributions, on the iCBT2, I went for a DEX and SPR build, favoring DEX over SPR. I’d say about 3:1. Worked out pretty well for me. I can solo and do some decent healing in parties.

Just to clarify, INT and SPR DO NOT make much difference in the amount of healing, especially on later levels. I put points in SPR to get more SP. The only way to improve healing is by putting more points in Mass Heal or getting to C2 Cleric to put more points in Heal(increases the amount of heal boxes per skill level).

DEX was really helpful on the iCBT2 for a C3 Priest. Some might argue CON would be better but DEX is still what I’m going for. I can solo for daaaaayss.

Well, that is my build. I’m open to suggestions, corrections and questions regarding this. After all, I too am still learning.

Thank you.

I find myself curious as to what your skill rotation would be in both normal pve and bossing. o_o I’ve been considering a Pardoner as a second alt Cleric, but I always dumbly assumed due to being geared towards selling they cant solo.

Prove me wrong! :no_mouth:

Edit: Also curious if Indulgentia + Oblation with a full bag is as amazing as it sounds?

The skill rotations are pretty straightforward. Just apply the buffs and whack away. Priests have pretty decent auto-attacks due to Sacrament and Blessing, especially on earlier levels. That is why DEX works so good as it gives more critical hits.

EDIT: I should mention most damage comes from the weapon itself rather than STR.

When in parties, focus more on watching the party members’ HP and healing instead of attacking.

Unfortunately, Indulgentia+Oblation combo is not all that amazing. The damage is pretty minuscule considering you’re already at rank 6 at that time. I mainly use Indulgentia just to remove debuffs and does a hell of a job doing so.

Just my opinion. If u purely aim for selling skill, why not max all 3sellable priest skill? If u going for support also, get stone skin. No need revive, ress too high. U not gonna use alot of mass heal. Only when heal cd. Currently only 4skill sellable indulgentia, aspersion, blessing,sacrement. Most pure selling char i see in ktos only max on c6. U can be chaplain at r7 if u intend to solo later. Con is needed more than spr if u going melee. Dex:con more better. Or str:con. Evasion is useless in 3*map. Well, if u going chaplain, i think u need to build abit diff.

I dont know anything about the kTOS but in iCBT, I feel that Revive is very useful, especially doing dungeon instances. And I use a lot of Mass Heal, especially now I think since the reduced % of Heal and Mass Heal.

If I max out the Aspersion, Blessing and Sacrament, I’d have 5 points left. Lv1 Mass Heal only recovers just over 10% of hp which is clearly not enough especially in a pinch.

CON/DEX build sounds good though, I might try that. Thanks for the input!

With this build, i dont think u can be main healer. Without int, ur heal will be reduce greatly. Yeah revive and ress is usefull, but u dont need that many point in there. Mass heal im not so sure.

Consider this, let’s say you have allocated 100 SPR and 100 INT at level 200 and rank 6, according to the stat calculator, you would have 125 SPR and 187 INT.

The additional healing value of Mass Heal at level 10 is 100+ 125+187+315 which amounts to 727. But at level 200, you would have 12 000 hp. That 727 is not going to make much of a difference when you got hp of 12k. That is why the 28% of max hp healed by Mass Heal is the more significant value.

The same can be said for Heal. Even at level 15, the additional healing value is only around 400.

  • No stoneskin.
  • Blessing 15.
  • Indulga… without obliation Pff…
  • No discerning evil…

Yup … i hope you tested that build out. Because you’re missing alot of important points there.

Please, tell me the errors of my ways. Are you a pardoner too? Is Obliation that good?

Is selling a level 15 Blessing bad? Is the Block rate of stoneskin decent? Won’t it reach over the buff limit?

Like I said, I’m still learning.

Im contemplating whether to max Indulg or Discerning Evil. I mainly use Indulg just to remove debuffs.

YOU need Obliation to buff indulgia.

Level 15 blessing is good… early game. Late it’s useless or just a minimal add of dps.

Stoneskin is one of the most op skills atm. A spr build can give you a 1~2 k block rate.

You won’t go over your bufflimit … and evenif … buy daino scrolls.

Discerning eveil should be level 5 … so you can make enemys take negative buffs longer.

I’m no pardoner… i tested other things. But i READ all the skill infos, the patch notes and i’m probably pretty active here.

I don’t use Indulg for the damage. It’s a really great debuff removal.

Since I don’t have much debuff myself, I decided not to take Discerning Evil. But if by any chance I happen to party a lot on this launch, I might take it.

As I said above, Blessing sells pretty darn well on the spell shop. More points in it gives more number of hits.

I don’t think there’ll be any Daino scrolls early on in the game.