Tree of Savior Forum

Superior Corona Rod

Guys, I just bought a SCR +9 but only 2 potential left. I add a socket and planning to put 5star blue gem. Is it ok to put another slot for 5star gem or upgrade the rod to +10? It is risky, I’m afraid the upgrade will fail and will level down to +8. What’s the best way? Maybe put another socket for another blue gem?

Level 5 Blue gem gives +19 matq

each +1 after +5 gives +18 matq.

You have no chance to fail when putting gems.

Unless you are going to try to put it to +11 and further there’s no point on this trade.

+9 is enough until level 270~320 content comes up with rank 8 or you get your hands on a Lolopanther. You can socket it one more time and sell it later I think as it still has 2 potential.

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yeah. upgrading it to +10 is so risky and would probably level down to +8. +5Gem is the answer but i can only put 1 gem because there is only 1 potential left. Unless i am not planning to sell it to the market and then go ahead put another socket, so a total of 2 socket but with 0 potential.

Lolopanther staff is better i guess? than lolopanther rod. I’m not lucky with those cube. They always give me talt. Even in the level 90 dungeon, everyday i solo there for arde dagger but it only gave me talt, sometimes recipe of beetleback shield and zircon.

So i will stick with this +9 superior corona rod till level 320 until i obtain a better and much stronger weapon.

Thanks @moises_andre12

you buy stuff to sell it again?

Just socket them, you bought it at such low potentional that really, you shouldn’t be considered to resell it anymore

put 2 gems in it, and you are done.

Arde dagger is a hard drop, i do lvl 90 dungeon daily with 3 chars so 9 dungeons = in one month of farming 1 arde dagger.

So yea, don’t get your hopes up.

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Earth Tower cubes WILL always drop either Earth Essense or BOss Essenses, both rquired to exange for Lolopanter gear.
Earth Tower works on a token system, basically, the ammoutns needed are quite high though, not to mention being able to get to Floor20 and finish it for weapons.

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oh i see. i didn’t know that since i haven’t done ET yet. im currently 258. im preparing my toon for ET. I think Superior Corona Rod +9 with 2pcs lvl5 gems is sufficient enough? I hope so. I have only Lvl50 attributes in frost cloud and Lvl48 in plate armors. i hope they will welcome me in ET since i heard that they are very strict in accepting party members there in terms of gears/attributes. And also the Stats, they also ask that. (100con 440+ int btw)


Eh, the strict people are jsut peopel who want to be as sure as possible because they don’t know what’s to come.
BUt if you get yourself a relaxed guild or friends it’s easy party.

Give this a look, either way: