Tree of Savior Forum

Super noob here: PvP Mage build questions

Hi guys, I’m totally new to the game (day 1) and I’ve heard that planning your build wrong is very unforgiving in ToS since from my understanding you can’t respec without TP.

I’d like to focus on solo and small skirmish PvP mostly and I’ve done some researches before posting this but I’m still very confused, so I hope some knowledgeable people can shed some light.

As playstyle I’d like to prioritize CC (and maybe Debuffs) over DPS and as far as DPS I’d like to pick DoTs over burst as long as they’re equally viable, but otherwise I’m just picking the most efficient source of damage.

I tried reading some threads and familiarizing with the Mage skill tree and from what I’ve understood any combination of Wizard (either just rank1 or straight up to 3), Cryo (usually up to rank2 or 3, seldom 1), Kino (always up to rank 3) works pretty well, possibly topping the build with Warlock (but I’ve heard some pick Rune Caster at rank 6 as well).

Can someone please tell me which build should I go for, given my priorities?

I’ve also tried fiddling with the skill tree and made up these templates based on the lacklustre skill descriptions: I’m sure I’m making a lot of mistakes, like probably spending not enough/too many points in stuff like Ice Wall, Sleep and such and just picking bad stuff, so please feel free to point out all the noob traps I’ve fallen into.

Wiz 1, Cryo 3, Psy 3

Wiz 3, Psy 3, War 1

Also what’s the gist behind adding Rune Caster in certain builds? Synergy between Rune of Ice and Cryo builds? Is it worth?
And finally I know that Elementalist has too long animations for PvP and it’s too dependant on Int attribute apparently to work to survive burst but why is no one picking just one level for Stone Curse? It’s overkill/overlapping CC and just not worth it?

Thank you in advance!

At the moment, can not re-choose the class/circle/rank/etc.

I guess your playstyle are the same as me. Okay, let’s say about cryo-kino’s skill on the side of CC/Disable:
(1) The main idea of Telekinesis is:

  • Catch (then relocate) & hold important char of enemy’s team asap (team fight).
  • 1vs1 hold enemy as long as possible (wait cooldown) then release and continue CC chain.
    ~> I prefer put points into Telekinesis to Teleportation (1 is enough).
    4 more points on teleportation provide 40 further distance (lol, not too far).
    4 more points on telekinesis provide 4 more seconds disable (big deal especially 1vs1).
    If you dont wanna stand that long, or wanna fast relocate enemy, it’s fine.
    (2) Teleporation: the distance is too short, not worth IMO. So… Telepotation for some situation:
  • Get stuck on trap (quest boss, etc).
  • Get red of aggro mobs that chasing you (reset aggro).
  • Pass something. Some ppl (or you) build ice-wall blocking you (lol), you got intertup PP (by anything), then you wont die stupidly.
    *Theorically, I dont like that much: invest enough points into Teleportation. In teamfight, teleport to enemy team, lift them up.
    (3) Ice bolt: remember the attribute is disable in PvP. Level 4 (with Ice rod/Audra) is enough for quick-tap-frozen.
    (4) Ice pike: No need high level, 5 in rank 2 (because it’s only high-damage at rank 2 you got) for easier questing. You got enough damage as Kino3.
    (5) Frost pillar: Should be maxed. It’s 4 seconds different from White-frozen-hole (very helpful in PvE content).
    (6) Snowrolling: Should be maxed, quick-tap if you dont like hold them. For CC, but it maybe got some bugs at the moment (get stuck by something, be cancelled by CC, etc).
    (7) Ice walls: Hmm, this is the most interesting (to me).
  • Burst damage: when everybody know how to use ice-shards, it seems to be the main purpose of ice walls. :smiley: Now forget this, I’m not talking about damage dealer.
  • From

    Yes! You can defend by using ice walls:
    (a) Alternative CC skill: enemies who touch Ice-walls can be frozen, it required practising. The easier way: use PP (recommend) / Staff attack / Dagger create ice-shards to FREEZE enemies.
    (b) Block way / seperate (mostly in teamfight).
    © Use as hyper-ice-pike, bonus with knock-back (pvp purpose).
    (d) Trap boss: the only way (I know) to pseudo-CC boss. Helpful in some case: Hold boss in Ele’s AoE skill, save your tanker (some reason s/he need to avoid boss, but cannot get rid of boss’ aggro) as same as save your teamate.

Well, hope this help.

Yeah Isuke_Shiro, it really helped a lot, thanks you!

So I knew that I was spending points for very little gains with Swap and especially with Teleportation, but I had read somewhere that Telekinesis is only good in 1vs1s; your post made me realize that I definitely want more points in Telekinesis over Teleportation. As for Swap the template for swap looks very tiny in the video, so I assumed it’s hard to catch more than 5 enemies altogether. I’m gonna put 11/15 in Telekinesis, which is as much as I can allocate while also maxing Psychic Pressure, Raise and Gravity Pole. Is that ok for Psychokino?

Ice Bolt, so shouldn’t I max it? As for Ice Pike I saw the quick animation and thought it was good enough for PvP. Which one should I prioritize and why? Or should I keep them both at relatively low levels?
Frost Pillar I imagined I was doing a mistake not maxing it but I thought that 1 skill point only Pillar pull into insta Raise was enough. Will definitely max Pillar.
Snowrolling: what’s good about it besides damage?: the video on doesn’t help understanding at all… from there it only looks like it gives you damage at the risk of overexposing yourself to the enemy fire. Has it some CC or anything good attached to it? I’m sure I’m missing something there.
How much points should I put in Ice Wall?
Finally am I doing correctly by foregoing Gust and Ice Gust in PvP?: unfreezing an opponent doesn’t sound appealing to me at first sight.

Thank you in advance!

I agree with it. Since you become too vulnerable when Telekinesis, so if you wanna fast relocate, put 1 points, hold longer put more than 1.[quote=“madiocanemuori, post:3, topic:309376”]
it’s hard to catch more than 5 enemies
Catch 3+ player is too hard, the only case is: they were caught by Magnetic Force (not reliable to me) / or Linker’s skill.
Reason I put 3~5 point to Swap: Rearrange mobs in PvE content (not get aggro by Pelt / ranged-attack-monster / etc)[quote=“madiocanemuori, post:3, topic:309376”]
maxing Psychic Pressure, Raise and Gravity Pole

It’s the right thing to do with Kino xD[quote=“madiocanemuori, post:3, topic:309376”]
Ice Bolt, so shouldn’t I max it

For quick-tap purpose 4~8 is enough (you get +1/+2 cryo’s skill levle with Ice rod / Audra).[quote=“madiocanemuori, post:3, topic:309376”]
Ice Pike I saw the quick animation and thought it was good enough for PvP

I prefer Ice bolt (lock target) to Ice pike (choose direction yourself) for PvP. Ppl can jump out-of-range when you cast Ice pike, if you got level 8 Ice bolt, it’s nearly instant cast.
Use Ice pike when enemy frozen / disable by something.
Beside Ice pike level 5 at rank 2 is awsome. It helps you a lot in questing, leveling, etc.[quote=“madiocanemuori, post:3, topic:309376”]
Frost Pillar I imagined I was doing a mistake not maxing it but I thought that 1 skill point only Pillar pull into insta Raise was enough

Frost pillar will be helpful as long as it last in PvE, tanker love you, Elementatlist love you as long as it last. In PvP side, Frost pillar is annoying (who wanna be grap then frozen).
Snow-rolling is CC: damage of this skill is… terrible when compare with Kino’s skill and has 65s cd (-/-). Use it to gather mobs in PvE, gather ppl (were disabled) into your teamate’s AoE skill (like Frost Cloud).

Up to you, I always get it maxed. Watch this:[quote=“madiocanemuori, post:3, topic:309376”]
unfreezing an opponent

You wanna freeze as long as you can, then unfreezing is something like killing yourself.

Thank you again Isuke_Shiro, this has been incredibly helpful and clarified a lot of my doubts!

Following your advices I’ve tinkered my skill tree, now it looks like this:

2 very last questions: for Kino is 15 points in Telekinesis overkill? If so should I take away a couple of points and put them into Swap or Magnetic Force? Are there any pros in putting more points into Magnetic Force (besides damage), like a shorter casting animation or something else? Because as I see it now Magnetic Force is more useful as CC/utility than damage.
And Snow Rolling, what kind of CC does it provide? I’ve watched some videos but still I haven’t figured out.

Should invest at least 1 point in Ice pike, it’s the main damage skill when you are at rank 2. Later, you can use it in CC chain (when enemy catch by Raise, Frozen by anything).

Swap - Telekinesis is up to you, but only 1 point in MF is enough, MF’s damage is very smaller than you image.
PP & GP are considered as substain damage skill because of multi-hit.

Gather enemies into “snowman object” (they get stuck in snowball), then you can walk to teamate’s AoE skill

Thank you, you’re awesome!
I think it looks ok now, please tell me if you would change anything:

Oh and Snow Rolling, should I put only 1 point in it for the CC it provides or max it for the added duration?

It has 4s cast time :smiley: more level offer you faster cast (for low level performance).

Thank you!, I’m sold: full 5/5 Snow Rolling. And I really like the build now, it looks solid, thank you for helping me so much and emending my noobness.

Bumping the thread in case someone can help: with the recent nerf to Ice Bolt freezing attribute and Subzero Shield, should I reroll Wiz 3, Kino 3, Warl 1, something like this (once again, for PvP specifically)?:

Currently levelling up Wiz 1, Cryo 2, Kino 3, thinking about getting Warlock to 2 for damage output when rank 8 gets released. Should I just give up on Cryo and reroll Wiz 3 instead?
Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated.


I’d think about Rank 8, Warlock doesn’t look to work well with Kino to be honest outside of PvP.

Wiz > Cryo 3 > Kino 3 > Warlock

to me this looks better than

Wiz 3 > Kino 3 > Warlock 2

I wish I could take Cryo to 3 as well, tier 2 is underwhelming right now besides the additional points in Ice Wall but I think I need 2 ranks in Warlock when rank 8 comes out to push the damage even further.

Tbh I’m kinda salty at the Ice Bolt nerf, the Subzero Shield I could cope with. Cryo got overnerfed tbh.

Since PvP is my only real concern I am totally fine with a build that sucks in PvE, if Wiz 3, Kino 3, Warl 2 is gonna be the way I’m totally rerolling: the sooner the better. But I’m new so not so sure…

Cry3/Kino3/WL pretty much looks like a full con build to me. No INT no Quickcast = no point in taking Warlord beside the defence capability of Dark Theurge, since your DMG sucks anyway. I’d rather take Wi2 over WL to avoid the casting interruptions (PP, GP, SnowRolling, Ice Wall etc)

From the previews, WL2 offers nothing but little more DMG in DT and PoA, right?

So it essentially boils down to Wi3/Kino3/WL1/RC, which is for me a Con/Int build (1:1). You get the defences from WL (DT) and RC (R o Protection) + AoE Nukes (R o Destruction and PoA). I dont actually see a way where i would choose WL2 over RC.

Second build is good PvP-wise tho Im not sure about skill distrib.

Also consider Wiz3-Psy3-Necro2 and Wiz3-Link2-Necro2 for PvP and PvE+a little PvP respectively.

Oh yea, the Necros. Did forget about those :slight_smile:

I never played one, i just seeing them oneshotting full party’s with Flesh Can + Links :smiley:

How about Wi3/Kino3/Nec1/Linker then ? That looks pretty Dangerous as well; good bunch of CC + Nuke

Well Esia is playing one and I saw him top 1 on Fedi last week. Not only his build is good tho xD Both necros and WLs are good vs hook btw.

I’m not considering Cryo 3 as an option currently, please completely disregard my first posts from a month ago, I was very new to the game and currently I’m still learning, which is why I’m asking for opinions.

Right now I was thinking about Wiz 1, Cryo 2 (which is just a filler and an improvement to Ice Wall though), Kino 3, Warlock 1 (2 when rank 8 becomes available), but maybe I could just take Linker instead at rank 6 instead than Cryo 2, I have no idea.

Tbh when I rolled Cryo I wasn’t aware of the incoming nerfs to Ice Bolt, Subzero Shield and Ice Wall shard damage, so right now I’m trying to figure out if Cryo 1-2 is still valuable enough because of Ice Wall and marginally Ice Spikes or it’s just better to make a new character instead.

In that case I’m considering Wiz 3, Kino 3, Warlock 1 (2). Both builds are indeed meant to be full Cons builds, I may be wrong (and please correct me if I am) but I see no point in pumping more damage if you can still one shot people while they’re CCed in a full dps rotation, I think that Quickcast should be good enough even with 0 points in Intellect, rank 7+ Sleep makes it instant and Surecast looks always handy.

About Necros oneshotting an entire party with Flesh Cannon + links I see the appeal of that but I’m quite confident Flesh Cannon will get very soon hit by the nerf bat.

If you want options, Sorcerer is a pretty good option if you can play it well.

Got myself to ranks 2 and 4 already for quite some sometime being a WIz 3 > Linker > Sorcerer 2 > Warlock.

Warlock 1 offers some PvP burst on his own, Warlock 2 doesn’t seem to add much for classes WITHOUT surespell.

Also remember even with surespell you will still get interrupted in many cases by other players.

Its not easy to say when to go full con/int or mixed.

If you think about it, how much more damage 400 INT on Frostcloud or Dark Theurge (or PP/GP, well, all Multihit skills) is doing (+ Quick Cast scaling) i wouldn’t neglect it, even if its a PvP char.

IF your build has only Skills like Meteor or Rune of Destruction (High Skill damage + high scaler), i kinda would agree with Full con (or if you are FULL support or FULL CC)

I understand your point of view but I do enjoy CC and I think they are gonna be more valuable now that Plague Doctors got nerfed a bit, I am just not giving up on Kino 3, Raise looks too good and can be comboed with so many good things and help your whole team.

Anyway by reading the thread I get this sensation I really need to reroll with no Cryo.

Atm these are the options I’m considering:

which is most likely the safest bet

just for the sake of salvaging my current build.

Ele is too static and positional and doesn’t appeal to me personally (even if it could easily be top DPS in the right conditions), Necro I don’t like it that much either, Sorc is indeed interesting but the AI is kinda awful from what I’ve seen and being told.