Tree of Savior Forum

Summons stats now?

Hi im returning to the game. l have a wiz3/thau1/sorc3/sage1. but before leaving i read that summons will not growth with int. i have stat reset pot. shoud i change my stats?.

Yep. They grow with SPR now. 1 pt in SPR is approx. +0.3% to your minions’ damage.

They also gain more damage based on your weapon matk, note that blue gems don’t count. Not sure about weapons with matk, min and max damage sub-stats.

I think I read somewhere that blue gems do increase damage. I think the post was by @greyhiem?

Hmm, not so sure, I remember testing it when the change came, I also remember it was pointed out that it doesn’t change in the patch notes of the said change too.

It does change your spells damage tho.


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Sorry to say this, but that test don’t show much tbh.

First, it was done on KR server, we are missing a bunch of stuff from the new rank content yet.

Second, the summons damage are variable, it’s a minimal change of 500 dmg, you can’t find it properly by inserting a single gem, in the case it changed by 4k dmg difference when inserting 3 gems (Lv 7 in this case) I would see that it really does the difference.

I pay attention on my summons, and believe me, I got lots of summons, each have a different type of attack (slash, strike and pierce), elemental damage don’t do any change.

On my testing, with gems it didn’t changed a thing, or if it did, it was insignificant, since I saw basically the same damage range as before the gem.

I will test it out with some weapons I got on other chars, to not waste a Lv 7 gem on something like this and tell if it does change or not, then again, I don’t recall of having 3 Lv 7 red gems to do that tho.

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After 6:30, the 3 blue gems were removed, and damage was a lot lower.

No worries, after gem merchant patch, gem level 7 is a joke.


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I just did a small test with these weapons (using both on different chars and what we are looking into is the matk stats on the summon damage anyway):

First off, sorry for the lack of video footage, but this machine is a shitty one, I tried to record but the client froze up.

I ran the test on Rancid Labyrinth (270 HG) starting off with the mace without gem, take into consideration that I was only looking for the lowest damage. Also I used my TS 10 :star: for it so it’s a bit easier to find the min/max damage.

  • With the first mace (no gem) the lowest damage I found was 11.8k.

  • With the second mace (with gem) the lowest damage was 12.8k.

So fortunately, we got the patch change for gems.

I see I will need to start hunting more gems whenever I play lol.

Can you link me the patch or info about that? If it’s the way I’m thinking I will probably hate it with a passion.

Yes of course :slight_smile:

You can also watch it here:

New NPC: Gerald (wandering Gem merchant)
Starting at 00:00, every 3 hours, Gerald will appear at the town Fedimian and stay for 1 hour.

You can receive gems from Gerald by paying him.
Possible gems:
-A random colour gem level 1~level 6 (including white gem)
-A random monster skill gem (there are 290 monster skill gems)

.1 exchange = 10’000 Silver
More exchanges = +5000 silver per exchange (10’000 -> 15’000 -> 20’000, …)
The exchange count resets every day at 6 AM.

New item: ancient gold coin
-Hunting ground mobs will drop the coins
You can exchange this coin for a random level 4~level 6 gem at Gerald, or a random monster skill gem.

And a patch after it:

New NPCs have been added to Klaipeda and Orsha cities.
The wandering merchant, Gerladas is expanding his family operated business.
* Klaipeda: [Kedoran Alliance Merchant] Geraldasia
* Orsha: [Kedoran Alliance Merchant] Geraldason

Note: I call him (first quote) gerald but gwen (second quote) calls him geraldas. Do not be confused.
Note2: the video was of an older patch, which still was 10’000 silver + (10’000 silver per subsequent purchase). A newer patch lowered the price (see quote above).

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First off, thanks for the info, it doesn’t seem that bad, but then again, it makes the game easier than it is already.

And IMC naming sense at its finest lol.

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Have you met Neringa yet? IMC was so very proud of her name, they made her use her own name with each dialogue.


Also gem price will likely drop. If you want to sell gems, I recommend selling it before that patch hits.

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LOL, such a beautiful NPC with that name ugh, I don’t mind her saying her own name in the dialog tho.

Also about the gems, well, with all these changes, while progressing we will most likely keep using them on all kind of level gear for alts, even if it’s on another account.

I don’t mind much on the color gems, except white one since I don’t know what they do and monster gems.

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Also about the gems, well, with all these changes, while progressing we will most likely keep using them on all kind of level gear for alts, even if it’s on another account.

Indeed. I can’t imagine selling any of my gems. I’ll just transfer 'em lol

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White gem is for farmer, increase loot chance.
Farmer set-up: 3x green gorkas card (+50 loot chance each), and white gem in all slot, with gear with purple option: +loot chance

White gems can be socketed into armour, pants, gloves, boots, weapons.
White gems increase looting chance (item Drop chance) when equipped.

Gem level 1: Loot chance +4.
Gem level 2: Loot chance +6.
Gem3 Loot chance +10, Gem4 loot +14, Gem5 loot +19, Gem6 loot +24, Gem7 loot +30, Gem8 loot +36, Gem9 loot +43, Gem10 loot +50.
Penalties (if you do not roast the gem at an alchemist roasting shop):
Top & bottom: CON -1 per gem level.
Weapon: SPR -1 per gem level.
Secondary Weapon: DEX -1 per gem level.
Boots: INT -1 per gem level.
Gloves: STR -1 per gem level.

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Ah nice, yeah I will save those gems I find for and even buy from the new merchant to use on the white ones.

Since for me, farming items is the only true end game this game has to offer now.