Tree of Savior Forum

Summoning + Linker + Necro?

I’m currently Wiz 1, Cryo 3, Sorc 2, Necro 1
I’m debating whether switching towards Wiz 2, Linker 2, [from Cryo 3] would be a good idea or not, so it doesn’t hurt to ask.
I’m full SPR, also have both Marnox and Froster Lord cards.

You can actually go wiz2 - linker3 - sorc1- necro3, if you dont mind not having riding of course, for max JP and lifeline for supporting while maintaining steady DPS with the use of summons.

But hey, switching to cryo to linker at this patch is never a bad idea, since linker now got a much better CC with a much less downtime.

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I am Wiz1-Cryo1-Linker2-Sorc2-Necro3 and I absolutely love it. I find both the Ice Pike utility and the linking utility really, really good and just having one of those things would make me feel like my build is lacking. I personally would very much prefer Cryo1 over Wiz2.

Linker3 is really, really good, though, when it comes to the Spirit Shock attribute. Note that your summons will likely break your links even before you can use Hangman’s Knot, though, so Linker3 is, for a Necro, a bit overkill except for the Spirit Shock thing. Which is huge, given how it can devastate bosses really, really fast.

Generally, if you go Linker+riding, aim for a summon who casts its huge AoE so slowly that you have enough time to get down and throw Joint Penalty for complete clearing of the area. Some summons are just too fast with their skills; it’s also a bit dependent on if you have lag.

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