Tree of Savior Forum

Summoning for sorcerer c1 viable?

I’m planning to take sorcerer at rank 6 mainly for the summon servant buff to combo with warlock at rank 7. For skills, I’m having trouble deciding between summon familiar and summoning.

I’ve heard that its really difficult to get/level up cards for summoning and with a c1 build, it may not be worth the effort. On the other hand, summon familiar doesn’t look all that good either.

Would it be better to level summoning or familiar?

Note: I have no plans at all to go any further into sorc because I really only wanted the servant buff. I just want to maximize my skill selection. Thanks in advance!

Summoning with C1 is perfectly viable even with the control abilities removed from your demon. Assuming you have tons of good SP pots. Expect to spend a hell of a lot on that.

I played one in CBT and the controls/riding special attack, while nice, didn’t actually add a whole lot to my Temple Shooter’s performance. He’s dumb no matter what you do, and his auto-attack is spectacular.

But won’t you lose out on a lot of the int and spr multiplier as well since you’re capped at lvl 5. I’m referring to the effort:effect ratio since I’ve read a lot of people complaining about how hard it is to level the card.

Also, is it necessary to put points for a c1 sorc so that the summon has more def? Thanks again!

Regarding the INT multiplier, then thing I learned from personal experience with Summoning is that it has a lot of value for 5 points. Obviously he’s inferior to a full-time Summoner pet, but it’s still a really strong asset.

SPR/Summon defense is a mixed blessing. Every point you put into SPR further gimps your SP regen while you have your Summon out, because as you probably know all SP regen from every source I know of (including buffs and SPR) is disabled while the Summon is out, except for SP pots. Combine this with Summon eating a % of your total SP pool per second, and the negative effect of SPR on SP is multiplied. So the smaller your total SP pool is, the easier it is to maintain your Summon and spellcasting.

I don’t know the numbers on Summon defense/SPR value, so I can’t comment on that. I only know you pay for better defense with your SP pool.

If your build relies heavily on SPR for some wacky reason, and you frequently cast high SP costs spells, your build is probably incompatible with Summon.

So based on what you said I suppose I can stick with the regular no spr, int/con only stat distribution if I want to summon? You’ve more or less allayed my fears about the summon not being effective enough. Did you have a lot of trouble trying to level up your card though?

Oh, I forgot to talk about cards. Well, I mean, what else are you going to do with them? People talk about leveling cards as if they weren’t just stinking up their inventory already. You’ll get plenty as you play through the game, and this will probably be your only use for them.

Nothing I guess. But there’s so many people complaining about how hard it was to get more cards to effectively level your main one, and the fact that the drop rate is so low that I got a bit scared.

I mean, I don’t want to throw away all my money and time paying to level/farming for cards when I’m even not going full sorc.

Any tips on getting more cards/leveling up cards though?

Unless something changed dramatically since CBT2, I got a lot of cards simply by doing the main story quests. The one-time bosses in those were pretty generous.

Cards from field bosses, on the other hand, felt more infrequent. So either they were talking about that, or something changed. I can’t provide tips there besides have a group of competent friends who drop what they’re doing and scramble field bosses when they are found. (They usually get announced over megaphone.)

Personally I had the feeling that uncontrolled summon was complete garbage - except templeshooter.

I don’t know why this guy hasn’t been nerfed yet as it is by far far far far the strongest card which is obviously out of balance. But you should be prepared that 1 rank sorc probably falls of hard with summon the moment that card gets nerfed.

Yeah I was thinking of getting a temple shooter because that’s the only card of been hearing about either way. Would you say that even if it gets nerfed, summoning is still better than summon familiar?

I’m pretty sure they were talking about drops aside from those one time off bosses. In the unfortunate event that I can’t level the card properly, can it still make a noticeable difference?

Or it could go the other way, and other cards become viable. It isn’t like Sorcerer is considered OP as a result of Temple Shooter. It’s just our only known option at the moment, because the other ones aren’t really viable at all.

Definitely. The cards improve your Summon’s base stats to a degree that was noticeable to me when I first got it. I can’t comment on how this scales in the future, though.

If temple shooter gets nerfed, the entire Sorc class falls apart. It’s litterally the only thing that makes it worth picking. What should happen is other summons should be buffed or new boss cards should be introduced that are comparible to temple shooter. Even with temple shooter though, the circle 3 of the class is a joke due to Evocation and Desmodus being incredibly weak, not even by rank 7 standards, but by any standard.

On point to the question though, Sorc 1 isn’t that bad and if you care about summoning at all, is good pick, but only because of Temple Shooter, so plan on getting it. Also, it disables sp regen, yeah… So, expect to spam sp pots a lot.


Alright then, I’ll switch my points around and put them into summoning instead. Thanks for all the input guys!

One last question though, I didn’t get the chance to play in any of the betas so how would I go about getting temple shooter? I read that he’s in the Royal Mausoleum Workers’ Lodge so I just need to roam the area until I find him and kill him off? Would it be better if I did it at the appropriate level (76) or should I come back when I finally get sorc and blow him up with overpowered stats?

He’s a field boss, so you can expect to spend several hours down there before seeing him. You’re not guaranteed the card, either, so this leg of your journey is a chore. I highly recommend you include this area in your grind schedule so you’re not wasting time down there.

Yup, you have to battle the field boss. As long as you or your party contributes enough damage you should get a cube that gives you a random drop. The card has like a 50ish % chance of dropping from the cube though so hopefully it won’t take you and your group many attempts.

I think others should be a lot buffed and temple a bit nerfed.

But usual Korean solution is to fix one problem by nerf instead of working on more others.

It is true that IMC has a track record of overnerfing thus far, but really, Temple Shooter is the bar other summons should be brought to. Temple Shooter is not overpowered when compared to other options players have. There are certainly some underpowered abilities in other classes, but they should be buffed.

Never felt overpowered compared to EleC3… And don’t forget that TS means no SP regen…

I think it fits this topic so here’s my question:

I have one or two slots for filler in my build so I want to know what would be the best points of each:

  • Sorc1 vs. Necro1

  • Sorc2 vs. Sorc1>Necro1

How does losing SP regen compare to money spent on Corpses? How different is their damage (considering dumbshooter, cooldowns,damage skills)? Which for 1 or 2 classes is better?