Tree of Savior Forum

Summoners give us support!

Dear IMC i was wondering if you can increase the RAnge of summons that can be away from you.
This will help summoners to play a bit more as how they are away from enemies, but minions return as soon you step away from the enemie and not so far so thats why in some encountres you die cuz u have to be next to the enemie (we are not tanks and is not fair to have tanky items instead of dps for the summons to play the class) so the minions dont run away chasing you, and in pvp even worst they prefer to be next to you instead atacking enemies, i am not asking for a SNIPER RANGE but at least 50% more range away from the enemie that will do the job,

please people help this come true again support this message :frowning:

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Indeed. and I’m pretty sure you’re not the first one to complain about this.