Tree of Savior Forum

Summoner + skia cage issue


I might be missing something obvious here…but I can’t figure how to “properly” play summoner on group skiaclipse. Almost every time I’m teleported to mid during cage mechanic, my summons will kill cage too fast, and since i’m unable to use any skill I can’t release summons either.

Only “solution” i’ve found so far is to…not summon. In other words, not dps.

So…was wondering if there’s an actual way to do this.


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hmm i thought there is a way to ask them not to attack?

If there is…I honestly don’t know it XD.

There is a “skill” called “cancel attack” but it only makes them stop focusing on a target and attack randomly instead. Even so, when I’m the one teleported and caged, all commands are disabled.

The big crow only uses the cage in specific health thresholds. I think they are at 80%, 50%, and 20%. And it is the furthest player to the big guy who is locked inside. So you can predict when and who will be in the cage
About the gameplay, unsummon the minions before it. And summon them back after. I know it is not fun or practical, but this fight was not made considering all the classes available, including the summoning classes. Be patient.

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Wow, I wasn’t aware of this, if this is the case things are easier than I thought, thanks!


Barely have any time to do that before next cage . I’ll try to get close to skia and…sacrifice someone else xD.

It was. KR specifically asked IMC if they could change it and IMC said this was intentional and they weren’t going to change it. The same “issue” occurs during Moringponia’s mutation. Many classes have their own different ways they have to deal with mechanics or things they have to be cautious of, even if it’s simply not using persistent area of effect skills near the middle while the cage mechanic is active.

Using Force Attack on Skiaclipse, using unsummon, or simply not being caged solves the mechanic for summoners.

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Good to know. Thanks!
I wish IMC would talk to us just a little bit more.