Tree of Savior Forum

Summoner potential

hello, i have been playing this game for a short time and i really love necro + sorc build with lots of pets, i only play this game casual so i havent reach much of the high contents, but i mostly hear that this pet build is not too good for stronger content and is mostly used by bot

but rank 10 is coming, what do you guys think about necro sorc builds future?do you guys think it could be good for the stronger contents? do any good wizard have any ideas etc.

thanks, and sorry if my english is bad.

It’s getting massive buffs, it’ll probably never be good in Velcoffer just because of how it works but jewelry is coming which will

  • Grant Knockback Immunity
  • Increase HP by up to 30,000
  • Increase Defense by up to 6000

On top of that a few changes are being made to summons, most notably

  • Salamion becomes an Aurakuras for Summons (ONLY) on top of doing what it does already.
  • CON will now increase summon hp

Sorc Necro will never be best in PvP since it doesn’t have the insane range other Wizards very often do but these buffs will make it extremely good in PvP.

As far as PvE is concerned, Sorc even in it’s awful state that it is in right now, crushes easy PvE like Saalus effortlessly. These buffs will just make it less tedious, Skeletons and Salamion taking a couple hits means you won’t have to use the skills off CD, and you’ll be able to clear better.

That said characters that previously couldn’t do Stage 6/7 CM due to durability issues might finally be able to.

Mostly these changes serve as a way to make the class not so infuriating to play, and increases PvP ability (as long as the user is willing to build for it)


o cool thanks you for the detail
what path do you think is best for mass pet build?

i was thinking something like
wiz1 - cryo1 - link1 - tauma3 - sorc1 - necro3

I think Linker is bad for Necro’s, you can link enemies but the bind gets broken immediately by weak attacks, so all it really does is physical link with summons but that makes them die faster. It’s hard to say how bad that would be before seeing the Salamion heal values and CON scaling values but I would say it’s not a good idea to undo all that was being buffed by using physical link.

I personally am going to be Cryo 3, Sorc 3, Necro 3. I think this is the best in PvP. There is also the possibility of using Psychokino instead, or Thaum 1 for the buffs in PvE but Cryo offers the CC and defensive ability that I think pairs best with Sorc Necros.