Tree of Savior Forum

Summoner IA improvement

Hey guys. Not long ago, i got my summoner and i was excited for it, because its my favorite class in a fantasy mmo, and for a mage that usualy play alone or like to do the quest alone its prety nice have a assistance. Unfortunately that was disapointed, the IA of salamion and the summoning skill are bad (salamion is the worst ever) and for that i create this post to share some ideas that i believe (im my opnion) can make it better, a simple change on the behavior would fix that.

Ok here we go.
As i said, for me summons are assistants of the summoner and based on that i make this event behavior.
The summon will ALWAYS HELP and PROTECT the summoner and because of that he will ONLY engage fight in 3 cases.
Case 1: (and the primary case) The summoner atack a creature, that target become the primary target for the summon.
Case 2: (defence) If a creature target the summoner or even atack him, this creature become a target for the summon ( but not necessary the primary target, the primary is always the summoner target, soo if have no primary he goes on that, like a pile)
Case 3: (guard) If the summoner is stationary the summon will guard that area, and if a creature come closer he will atack it.

When one of this case hapens the summon will keep atacking it until one of the folowing event hapens:

Case 1: The creature that the summon are atacking dies, soo he will atack the next target on a priority pile or he will return to the summoner side.
Case 2: (most important) The summoner atack another creature ( in this case i think would be better if the summoner hit at least 3x than its trigger) it become the primary target for the summon.
Case 3: If the distance betwen the summoner and the summon be bigger than 200 meters (like the out of body) then he will stop atacking and back to guard the summoner.
Case 4: your summon die.

Well now i will say why im create this behavior, after play with the summoner a while i realize some things that happened like, i was fighting a creature and my salamion was a few metters behind me staring another realm while i keep runing and hiting and when i saw that i was like “wtf this ■■■■ is doing? bugged?” than i drag the monster closer and he finally engage it, but that doens’t make it better, would be good if he had atack with me since the begin.
Another case, i was fighting a boss and the salamion start to hit the basic trap (tell me why?), what is the point of a summon if not to help you on battles? i needed him to focus the boss and not the traps. But don’t think the problem is just with salamion because the summoning creature is not that better, if i hit a monster he goes to atack it if i run he runs . . . omg i want him to keeep atacking it (because i have to run or die) is that hard?.
After these event i finally understand why they make 2 skill, the atack button and the guard button, because the IA is a crap and they thought it would fix.
But it actually doesn’t, i bet if you use the atacking ground skill in an area that have a monster and then the monster move your summon will still keep hiting dirt, like a dumb bitch.

Soo here come another idea for theses skills, the atack ground become an agressive stance for the creature you have, increasing it dmg and/or (would be pretty awesome) make the summon use some special damage skills, and the guard button become another stance that make the hit of the summon threat harder the target, this way it can work like a kind of tanker.

Well that is it, that is my idea to make the summoner nice. Im soo sorry for the english sucks, i hope at least you guys understand what i was saying and hope someone important (like a developer) see that and think about it. Anyway THANKS for the attention.