Tree of Savior Forum

Summoner dilemma

Hey guys, i need some help…
iam planning to play an summoner character, i was using this guide till lvl 130… but then i realised its outdated and things changed ( pet controll / Raise dead went to c2)
now iam wondering which would be the better option for me?
c2 sorcerer for pet control and 1 necro for shoggoth
or better c1 sorcerer and c2 necro for raise dead?
or maybe even c3 sorc? what would you guys say?
btw my character is based on teamplay with some friends thats why linker/thaumaturge

Im a C1 Sorc right now and its bad. The pet AI is terrible so i would recommend at least C2 in Sorc if you plan on using this class for the pet so you have some control. The cat buffs are great though and only need C1 to get.

Sorc C1 and Necro is a melee range mage.

If it not fit to you then choose C2 sorc.
But if you like melee style mage then welcome to Necro world.

Agree right now I have ton of problem with Sorc C1 cause when I summon boss I need to stand still and can’t move too much or else the summon will stop attacking and follow me.