Tree of Savior Forum

Summon Servant buffs

So, Socerer has a skill called summon servant, that summons a cat to buff the players, which looks pretty good since it’s a skill that gives 5 buffs.

My question is, knowing the cat gives the following bonuses:

  • SP Recovery Speed
  • AoE Attack Ratio
  • Stamina Recovery
  • Magic Defense
  • Dark Property Attack

how much does it increse this values? Does this amount change with level or some stats?

Also, I don’t really know hot this “Dark Property Attack” thing works for real, if someone could explain me I would appreciate it very much.

I haven’t found answers for these on topics so I hope you can either direct me to a post that answers these or if there even are answers already.

Dark property attack is bonus dark damage, it procs on your basic attacks and should also increase the damage of dark elemental skills.


Dark Property Attack is the same as Fire Property Attack or Ice Property Attack.

From my understanding the cat doesn’t always give those buffs. The attribute for the Summon Servant Skill says this: “The summoned servant grants beneficial effects more often”

So my guess is that you will have at ~most~ one of these effects at a time.
I would also guess that levels in Summon Servant increase the frequency or the power of said buffs.
As for the exact values of the buffs? I would like to know that to. :sweat_smile:

From every video the cat seems to always give the 5 buffs.

What I believe is that each of these buffs come at a level of the cat, since it’s maximum level is 5 even at rank 3.

Though if you get hit afeter summoning the cat it appears to go away without delivering the vuff.

That attribute makes the cake gives them faster, which makes it’s more viable for usage os more intense situations.

This is the buff values:
~50 magic resist
+5 aoe attack ratio
+50 dark ele attack
+stamina reg
about 50-100% additional SP reg.
So only the aoe ratio and sp regen worths it.

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Definitely can apply all 5 buffs at once. They also don’t count toward the buff limit.

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That sounds like a bug as they are very clearly buffs. <.<

In icbt2 they counted towards the buff count and was complained about. It’s possible they changed it so all the buffs together only affect 1 slot. Most of these buffs are very lackluster so it really shouldn’t waste more than 1 slot anyways.

Does it change with the level of the skill?

Its a buff but I read that it counts under row 2. Row 2 buffs consist of buffs which do not count towards the buff limit. Because if they did, wouldn’t the summon servant skill be completely useless? lol.

Glad to hear they split up the cat buff from the others, I had a little trouble with buffing in cbt2 because my pt’s other buffs kept getting swept

50 Magic defense isn’t bad. I’d say the Stamina regen is the only one that’s pointless.

I mean it’s not barrier or anything but any magic defense boost is good.

Where did you read that? I don’t if it was changed but last CBT2, first cat buff is being removed when other party uses their buffs. That is why i always ask for Daino before summoning my cat.

all cat buffs now are secondary buffs so it doesn’t take up buff slots. Use search function on forum lol


Oh wow, that’s a good news. No need to buy Daino scroll. Hoooraaah.

You can see the servant buffs here

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Ah, that’s far more effective than the skill description makes it out to be.
Very nice.

Doest anyone knows if the level of summon servant affects the buffs effects?

level = number of buffs
mean cat level 1 only provide SP recovery.
the values are the same at every level


Lvl 1 is basically enough