Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestions to save End Game

My suggestion is very simple, remove the focus from the Earth Tower and add quests with scheduled time that would be the new focus in the end game.

In some other games (phantasy star online 2 for example) they work with Scheduled Quests, at some times of the day the quest starts, players face enemies, bosses, nothing as complicated or tedious as running around in circles. And they earn items to store and exchange for the best equipment.

Earth Tower can become an optional challenge.

In this way the players have fun, it is not mandatory to set up groups with specific classes, each enters with the character who likes to play and from time to time the IMC can bring new quests, new bosses, which is one of the best ways to bring new Content to the game.

Find out how other MMORPGs work, there are very simple things that can be done to improve or even “save” the game. The number of players has fallen a lot, and the tendency is for the game to become increasingly empty, it’s a shame because it has a huge potential.

texto em portuguĂŞs (Brasil)

Sugestões para salvar End Game

Minha sugestĂŁo Ă© muito simples, retirar o foco da Earth Tower e acrescentar quests com hora agendada que seria o novo foco no end game.

Em alguns outros jogos (phantasy star online 2 por exemplo) eles trabalham com Quests Agendadas, em alguns horários do dia a quest dá inicio, os jogadores enfrentam inimigos, bosses, nada tão complicado ou tedioso como ficar rodando em circulos. E eles ganham itens para guardar e trocar pelos melhores equipamentos.

A Earth Tower pode se tornar um desafio opcional.

Desta forma os jogadores se divertem, nĂŁo Ă© obrigatĂłrio montar grupos com classes especĂ­ficas, cada um entra com o personagem que gosta de jogar e de tempos em tempos a IMC pode trazer quests novas, chefes novos, que Ă© uma das melhores formas de trazer novos conteĂşdos ao jogo.

Procurem saber como funcionam outros MMORPG, tem coisas muito simples que podem ser feitas para melhorar ou até “salvar” o jogo. O número de jogadores tem caído muito, e a tendência é o jogo ficar cada vez mais vazio, é uma pena, pois tem um potêncial enorme.

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I liked that option, but I think it would be better if they were Random Dungeons / Quests that should last a whole day for players who can only play a few hours a day, such as those who work and put money into the game, Those who support the game that is Free To Play.

These dungeons should be made random in a group, so each day the dungeon needed different classes to complete and each account could try 5 times, but could only complete 3 times to receive a reward. It could fail 2 times to figure out how to do it or because of the constant disconects.
Already the Quests could be done alone.
From the Dungeons would drop Recipes and Level 2 Items and the Quests would drop Tier 1 items. The recipes would need several Level 2 Items and even more Level 1 items to be crafted.

This would save the game from the monotony of Earth Tower and the excessive LAG in the World-Bosses.

It’s something to think about in Rank 9.
Gostei dessa opção, mas acredito que seria melhor se fossem Dungeons/Quests Randômicas que deveriam durar um dia inteiro para jogadores que só podem jogar algumas horas por dia, como por exemplo aqueles que trabalham e colocam dinheiro no jogo, até porque na verdade, são esses que sustentam o jogo que é Free To Play.

Essas Dungeons deveriam ser randĂ´micas tinham que ser feitas em grupo, de modo que cada dia a Dungeon necessitasse de classes diferentes para serem completadas e cada Conta poderia tentar 5 vezes, mas sĂł poderia completar 3 vezes para receber recompensa. Poderia falhar 2 vezes para descobrir como fazer ou por causa dos constantes disconects.
Já as Quests poderiam ser feitas solo.
Das Dungeons iria dropar Recipes e Itens nível 2 e das Quests iria dropar Itens nível 1. Os recipes precisariam de vários Itens nível 2 e mais ainda dos Itens de nível 1 para serem craftados.

Isso iria salvar o jogo da monotonia da Earth Tower e do excessivo LAG nos World-Bosses.

É algo para se pensar pro Rank 9.

Judging from what they announced here as upcoming content, Solmiki will no longer be the best possible option, as you can dismantle equips and upgrade statboni on other equipment with it.

Also,just look at these new 350 unique shoes,

they look awesome. No way I’m farming that cancerous Solmiki set if I can get such good items from farming Challenging mode instance, Hunting Grounds & fields.

New Earth Tower Difficulty Settings and Entry Rules

To go along with the maximum level expansion, to the Earth Tower’s Solmiki Area we’re adding two new difficulty settings. So if your party is strong and well-rounded, you can have a go at the Hard Mode and get your Legend equipment set in a shorter amount of time. We’re also increasing the supply of level 270 Lolopanther materials, effectively turning the set into the go-to superior choice for mid-level range characters.

Another aspect of ET we’re changing is the entry rules. Instead of 1 time per day (+1 for Token users), the limit will be 3 times per week, with the rewards adjusted accordingly. Similarly to the updates we have planned for the Saalus missions, the Token benefits here will not be for extra entries, but for additional rewards. With this overall reward boost, we expect the time for acquiring ET items to reduce by 10% for Solmiki gear and 40% for Lolopanther gear.

One thing most gamers have to agree on, Earth Tower is boring and tedious. I also refuse to spend 5 minutes running in circles or standing still to pass a floor. This should not be the mission to get the main items of the game, if they do not change that the population of players will fall again and again.

Uma coisa a maioria dos jogadores tem que concordar, Earth Tower é chata e tediosa. Eu também me recuso a ficar 5 minutos correndo em círculos ou ficando parado pra passar um andar. Esta não deveria ser a missão para conseguir os principais itens do jogo, se não mudarem isso a população de players vai cair denovo e denovo.

This boots is better than the solmiki one. 2 more sockets and better stats options, only the base defense is slightly lower.
I am less than 1 week from finishing my Solmiki set, and a bit worried about the new items. Maybe we will be able to change the solmiki items stat options with the new system so I can custom the way I like more. Unfortunately haven’t read anything about increased sockets in armor equipments.

Really, there is nothing change in the current equipment and in my opinion neither should have.
I also have the full ET set, but everyone who does ET should keep in mind that Solmiki is not going to be the EndGame equipment, just as these new ones are not either.

There will always be something better so the game does not get stagnant and annoying.

Anyone who wants to kill himself and invest heavily in any equipment already has to know beforehand that he will waste resources because better things will come soon.

those stats still can’t beat the +800 attack from Solmiki leather set…
In all seriousness, I don’t know why people are worried when the defence is lower and they have no setbonus. It’s not like 140-160 additional magic defence from blue gems in the boots or 2 more monster gems in the gloves will make Solmiki set obsolote. It’s a set for a reason, you get a high and very useful attack set bonus that’s ± equivalent to putting over 200 points in INT/STR.

And also, as I’ve already said, the new 350 unique items are similar to Solmiki set in aquiration, as you need to do the following steps:

  • Enter Challenge Mode instance (one entry per day)
  • advance far enough to recieve entry vouchers for the new instanced dungeon
  • enter new instanced dungeon and pray to RNG that you recieve a unique recipe
  • repeat until you have the recipe
  • farm items to craft the recipe

That’s a lot of limitation and RNG involved to recieve the items (and time consumed to farm them) so in a lot of ways they would be bad if they were a lot worse than Solmiki gears even if they are higher leveled unique grade.

Actually, the Challenge Mode stuff is probably going to be very difficult, so people already geared in full +11 Lolopanther/Solmiki have an edge over everyone else. You will get much further in the Challenge instances than random people.

That being said, if the Challenge Mode items are non-binding, while it will open up an economy for the items, it will eventually trivialize obtaining ET/Solmiki gear.

As for being better or worse than Solmiki, @ReportofAusterity 's opinion is only his opinion, I think the items will be at least equivalent, but can be changed to make it even better.

Really nothing can get better than the ridiculous and no-nonsense buff of 800’s physical attack. Buff totally badly made and stupidly bigger than the set buffs Colth and Plate. This set-bonus is supposed to be rethought by IMC (@STAFF_Yuri, @STAFF_Ethan, @STAFF_Letitia, @STAFF_Amy, @STAFF_Ines ).

But whether you like it or not, the Solmiki set will lose its value, now or when you launch Rank 9, it’s only a matter of time. And it has to be that way, if they do not have new items the game gets stagnant and boring.

We still don’t know if the new equipments will not have the set bonus also, so everything is uncertain.

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