Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestions on post-update Templar and general

General Feedback
I believe that it would be helpful to prevent player shops from being set up near warp statues and NPCs that are commonly used. Overlapping of characters when using Space as a target select makes it hard to target statues and NPCs.

Option to Hide players not in your party or guild to reduce potential lags. Also not hide player shops.

The alignment of the “Guild, Say, Party, Shout” icon on the chat bar overlap typed text.

Item that transfers headgear stats to another headgear.

TEMPLAR Feedback
After experiencing the templar changes, Im very pleased. Though I do have a few suggestions.

  • Forge has an item reagent pre-requisit. Which is fine. Though since guild raids is still a function it be cool if you can get a reagent from raids for these skills that drastically improve the skill when this version of the reagent is used. As I been trying out the Forge. It doesnt really seem like a “Forge” but more a “watch tower” so the name is inconsistent for what it does. It does a decent amount of damage but I do think it could be a little better. Its cooldown is 3 minutes and lasts 100 seconds at lv 1.

  • The cooldown on the new battle order seems a bit long in contrast to the duration of the effect. Lv1 5 seconds, lv 5 10 seconds, and its CD is 1 minute.

  • Feel like there needs to be more insentive for players to join a guild other then raids, boss, pvp event stuff.

Guild Event participants accept decline window doesnt appropriately pop up for templar. As well it doesnt pop up for people when in the hangout.

Boss Hunts and Raids have very little rewards below level 14…

Yeah the pop out is buggy . Sometimes memeber can still participate without accepting as Long they see the X mark. Relogging / changing map / channel does make the join/refuse window prompt again

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Boss Hunt guild missions are glitched out. And it happens often where notices dont pop up, the X marking the spot doesnt show. Which causes guild members to sometimes be excluded from the guild boss hunt missions.

@GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian please foward it. Some of this content is very unreliable. Lacks visual notices or active notices. Like The GUILD BOSS hunt mission should give all members of the guild a quest window they can enter/exit and such while this even is active. As well the X on the map disappearing is very troublesome.

If the guild boss hunts can be manually activated instead of triggering a point on a map. That would be much more reliable. Like the card albums boss spawn thing…

Another suggestion would to organize the guild member list using the contribution.

Also the Position set doesnt update properly.

Giving authorities isnt reliable as the options you check dont save. As well doesnt align properly with the names.

Guild could use level up effect on characters in the guild when the guild levels up.