Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestions for subclasses for an alchemist?

Just started playing and after looking around for a bit I really want to have an alchemist. I just dont really know what else to take.

I was thinking wizard 3 > linker 2 > alchemist 2 but i dont really know enough about the game to know how that would work out.

All suggestions and tips are greatly appreciated thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Something like a
Cryo3 > Link > Alch
Cryo 1 > Psycho 3 > Alch
these two builds will get you accepted in parties easily, so leveling an alch won’t be too much of a problem

For a soloist build, maybe
Pyro 3 > Linker > Alch

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Thanks for the suggestion I think im going to try the second build. Now just to wait for the servers lol

question here, how does psycho 3 help with partying?

Raise stops mobs from doing anything, a good CC.
Gravity Pole absorbs mobs into a line, another good CC, similar to what linker does with hangman’s knot, but this time it’s in a line.
Magnetic Force is another, but not as significant as the two above.

Since you’re going alch I also suggest wiz 1 > pyro 1 >linker 3 > alch2.

You have no idea how long it takes some people to sort out their inventory to get some free weight to trade potions with. If you go full CON you can life-line with them to increase their weight limit and get quick transaction before it wears off.Going linker 3 doesn’t hurt either since you’ll have a place in grinding parties as a support.